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Viagem de cartão pré-pago Forex.

Thomas Cook Travel Cartão Pré-pago.

Sempre que você viaja para o exterior ou viaja para países em todo o mundo, a única parte mais importante do seu planejamento é obter moeda estrangeira suficiente para que sua viagem permaneça livre de problemas. Além disso, se você estiver visitando vários países, precisará de moeda estrangeira para cada um desses países. A obtenção de moeda estrangeira pode ser bastante trabalhosa, especialmente se você for a centros de forex procurando as melhores tarifas. Você também pode encontrar fontes confiáveis ​​ou ilegítimas que oferecem forex a preços inflacionados. E vamos enfrentá-lo, quem quer levar tanto câmbio em diferentes moedas em sua bolsa? Isso só levará a uma confusão insuperável. Mas todos esses obstáculos podem ser uma coisa do passado distante com o extremamente simples e engenhoso cartão Forex pré-pago da Thomas Cook.

Faça com que nosso especialista ligue para você em breve.

Cartão pré-pago sem fronteiras.

Nosso cartão Multi-Pague Pré-pago Sem Fronteiras, um pedaço de plástico que cabe na sua carteira, pode ser uma solução definitiva para todas as suas necessidades de forex. Com o nosso Cartão Forex pré-pago, você pode obter o valor forex exigido em várias moedas na palma da sua mão. Vá de país a país e use um único cartão pré-pago para fazer compras em vários estabelecimentos importantes, bem como retirar dinheiro de caixas eletrônicos. Para obter seus cartões pré-pagos Thomas Cook, basta acessar o site da Thomas Cook, inserir os detalhes necessários e você está pronto para ir!

Compre seu cartão.

Recarregue seu cartão.

One Currency Card.

Nosso cartão "Uma moeda" ajuda a economizar custos de conversão de moeda, mesmo quando você negocia em várias moedas. Na Thomas Cook, isso só é possível com o Cartão de Moeda Única - o seu cartão totalmente carregado. Obtenha eficiência de custo em suas viagens internacionais com a ajuda do One Currency Card, oferecido a você pela Thomas Cook e pela MasterCard Worldwide. Este cartão permite-lhe viajar por todo o país e eliminar as taxas de conversão de moeda cruzada. Embora esses encargos variem normalmente entre 3% e 4% do valor, o viajante indiano consciente pode renunciar a esses encargos e ter uma ótima experiência de viagem multinacional. Dessa forma, como um viajante de elite, você pode economizar mais E1s se viajar mais.

Compre seu cartão.

Recarregue seu cartão.

Benefícios do cartão pré-pago Borderless.

Carregue até oito moedas em um único cartão Acesse mais de 35,2 milhões de estabelecimentos comerciais e 2,2 milhões de caixas eletrônicos Use fundos não gastos na sua próxima viagem, retire os fundos em um caixa eletrônico no exterior ou retire seu cartão * "Evite flutuações cambiais ao carregar fundos em avançar.

Chip e PIN protegidos Não está vinculado à sua conta bancária Substituição gratuita de cartões perdidos ou roubados SMS e alertas por e-mail.


Cartão de reserva disponível no Zero Custo Substituição gratuita de cartões perdidos ou roubados Facilidade de Inquérito de Saldo na Índia Sem sobretaxa em caixas eletrônicos em toda a cobertura do AllPoint Network Insurance até US $ 10 mil Obrigado novamente Programa de Fidelidade resgatável na Jet airways e no círculo interno de Taj PORTAL AO CLIENTE para verificar o saldo, declaração, alterar PIN, bloco de cartão.

Assistência ao cliente.

Número gratuito de pedágio na Índia Serviços de assistência ao cliente global 24x7 SERVIÇOS DE EMERGÊNCIA.

Documentos necessários.

Assistência ao cliente.

O uso do seu cartão de moeda de viagem deve estar em estrita conformidade com os regulamentos do Reserve Bank of India e da FEMA. O montante carregado ou recarregado em um cartão pode ser feito de acordo com o Exchange Management Act, 1999 e os regulamentos RBI vigentes atualmente em vigor.

O uso do seu cartão de moeda de viagem deve estar em estrita conformidade com os regulamentos do Reserve Bank of India e da FEMA.

O uso do seu cartão de moeda de viagem deve estar em estrita conformidade com os regulamentos do Reserve Bank of India e da FEMA. O montante carregado ou recarregado em um cartão pode ser feito de acordo com o Foreign Exchange Act, 1999 e os regulamentos vigentes do RBI vigentes no momento. O uso do seu cartão de câmbio de viagem deve estar em estrita conformidade com os regulamentos do Reserve Bank of India e os regulamentos da FEMA. O montante carregado ou recarregado em um cartão pode ser feito de acordo com o Exchange Management Act, 1999 e os regulamentos RBI vigentes atualmente em vigor.

O uso do seu cartão de moeda de viagem deve estar em estrita conformidade com os regulamentos do Reserve Bank of India e da FEMA. O montante carregado ou recarregado em um cartão pode ser feito de acordo com o Exchange Management Act, 1999 e os regulamentos RBI vigentes atualmente em vigor.

O uso do seu cartão de moeda de viagem deve estar em estrita conformidade com os regulamentos do Reserve Bank of India e da FEMA.

O uso do seu cartão de moeda de viagem deve estar em estrita conformidade com os regulamentos do Reserve Bank of India e da FEMA. O montante carregado ou recarregado em um cartão pode ser feito de acordo com o Foreign Exchange Act, 1999 e os regulamentos vigentes do RBI vigentes no momento. O uso do seu cartão de câmbio de viagem deve estar em estrita conformidade com os regulamentos do Reserve Bank of India e os regulamentos da FEMA. O montante carregado ou recarregado em um cartão pode ser feito de acordo com o Exchange Management Act, 1999 e os regulamentos RBI vigentes atualmente em vigor.

Perguntas frequentes.

Cópia do passaporte, Visa e passagem aérea, Formulário A2, Formulário 60, quando o PAN não estiver disponível e exigido para os cartões Citibank.

O que as pessoas estão dizendo.

Comprar Forex da Thomas Cook é tão conveniente. Desde que eu sou um viajante freqüente e visitar muitos países, optei por um cartão de moeda. Esta placa torna o meu viajante estrangeiro muito um processo livre de problemas, tanto quanto forex está em causa.

Comprar Forex não é tão fácil quanto você pensa. Mas a Thomas Cook facilita muito para as pessoas que estão comprando pela primeira vez. O processo é simples e a melhor parte é a entrega da etapa da porta. Você não precisa sair da sua casa para comprar divisas.

Eu sou viajante freqüente e Thomas Cook um cartão de moeda é um benefício para viajantes como eu. Eu viajo através das fronteiras com apenas um cartão.

Deixe-nos saber sobre sua experiência, apenas compartilhando seus comentários.

Blog do viajante.

Forex ao seu alcance com o Thomas Cook Forex App.

Comprar e vender Forex em movimento Taxas ao vivo Recarregar seu cartão Forex Calculadora de divisas Calculadora da moeda corrente Thomas Cook Branch Locater.

Nossos produtos Forex.

Na Thomas Cook, damos aos nossos clientes as opções de compra de moeda estrangeira em vários formulários, incluindo Notas da Moeda, Traveler's Check, Cartão de Moeda Única, Cartão Multi-Moeda, Money Gram e Student Forex. Nossa ampla gama de produtos forex atende às exigências de câmbio de todos os tipos de clientes, incluindo freqüentadores de férias, estudantes viajando ao exterior, viajantes de negócios frequentes e clientes que desejam enviar dinheiro a bordo para sua família ou para os próximos e queridos.

Cartão pré-pago sem fronteiras.

Cartão de uma moeda.

Notas de Moeda.

Cheque de viagem.

Educação Forex.

Faça com que nosso especialista ligue para você em breve.

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Obrigado por demonstrar interesse. Você receberá uma ligação do nosso especialista Thomas Cook em breve.

Pontos de recompensa do cartão de crédito & # 038; Cash Back Comparison & # 8211; Desenterrado.

Publicado por manish em 11 de fevereiro de 2013 Comentários (153)

Você sabe qual é o melhor cartão de crédito na Índia em termos de pontos de recompensa que você pode resgatar em diferentes categorias? Alguma vez você já se perguntou o quão diferente ou próximo esses pontos de recompensa do cartão de crédito são? Deixe-me dar um exemplo!

Já pensou que a diferença entre como o 5X recompensa do Standard Chartered difere das recompensas de 10X do Amex, já se perguntou se levar 5% do dinheiro de volta é melhor do que 10X recompensas. Já pensou como você pode economizar mais de 16K por ano apenas por ter alguns cartões em sua carteira, continue lendo.

Cada empresa de cartão de crédito oferece recompensas na forma de pontos de reembolso / devolução aos seus clientes. Essas recompensas são financiadas pelo que é chamado de intercâmbio. Interchange é as taxas de transação cobradas pelo banco do comerciante. Geralmente, são 2 a 3% de todas as transações. Esta é a razão, porque alguns comerciantes pedem um excesso de 2% se você disser que você estaria passando o seu cartão em vez de pagá-los em dinheiro (Leia alguns devem saber pontos sobre o seu cartão de crédito). O dinheiro é o modo preferido por outro motivo, ou seja, para economizar impostos, pois todas as transações com cartão de crédito são incluídas nos livros do comerciante, mas isso é uma discussão à parte e vamos deixar isso para outro dia.

Algumas renúncias antes de prosseguir. Este artigo é sobre pontos de recompensas e como você pode economizar o máximo através de cartões de crédito. & # 8220; Uma rupia ganhada é uma rupia que ganhou 6% & # 8221; & # 8211; Então, vamos poupar algum dinheiro para todos vocês. Mais uma vez, o artigo inteiro foi baseado em minha experiência e pesquisa, por isso estou aberto a sugestões e feedback. Também não incluí os gastos das companhias aéreas, pois ainda não entendi completamente a conversão de pontos em milhas para diferentes companhias aéreas.

A seguir estão alguns dos pontos que espero que os leitores tenham uma compreensão muito melhor, até o final do artigo.

Comparando cartões de crédito por sua proposição de recompensas - Se você tem vários cartões de crédito, como descobrir qual deles tem uma estrutura de recompensa melhor? Recompensas Aceleradas: A maioria dos cartões de crédito tem uma estrutura de recompensa acelerada. Então, como isso deve impactar seu padrão de gastos para maximizar as recompensas? Carteira de cartões de crédito que deve ser usada - Usando a metodologia explicada acima, esta seria uma lista de cartões de crédito que ajudarão a maximizar suas economias.

Pontos de recompensa do cartão de crédito & # 038; Benefícios de Cashback.

Vamos começar com, Como se deve comparar os cartões de crédito pela sua proposta de recompensa? Para entender isso, existem dois conceitos importantes dos quais devemos estar cientes.

Earn Rate: Earn Rate é o número de pontos ganhos por quantia gasta. Burn Rate: Burn Rate é o valor de Rupee de um ponto de recompensa.

Por exemplo & # 8211; Para uma carta HDFC Silver / Gold, você ganha 1 ponto de recompensa por Rs. 150 gasto, então a taxa de ganho é de 1/150. Considerando que cada ponto de recompensa de cartão de crédito de um cartão de prata / ouro vale apenas 15 paise ou Rs 0,15 apenas. Então a taxa de queima é 15 Paise. Você multiplica os dois e obterá uma métrica que pode ser usada para comparar cartões de crédito de empresas diferentes.

Usando a Taxa de Queima e a Taxa de Ganho, eu saí com uma métrica muito simples “Rupia ganha por cada Rs. 100 Spent ”, que pode ser usado para comparar alguns dos principais cartões de crédito do mercado.

Rúpia ganha por cada Rs. 100 spend = Earn Rate (calculado em Rs. 100 gasto) * Burn Rate.

Também as comparações abaixo são baseadas nos ganhos básicos. A maioria dos cartões tem uma proposta de recompensa acelerada. Vamos considerar isso quando calcularmos os ganhos mensais de diferentes cenários de gastos. Também mostrará como criar suas próprias economias através de seus próprios números de gastos.

Exemplo & # 8211; 1.

Vou dar um exemplo de como essa métrica seria útil para diferenciar entre duas cartas do mesmo banco ou diferentes cartões do banco.

As tabelas acima nos dão uma idéia dos benefícios de pontos de recompensa do cartão de crédito hdfc no mercado. Se você olhar para a proposta de valor de diferentes cartas, elas são muito diferentes em termos de Rupee Earned por Rs. 100 gastos. Rs.100 gasto em um cartão de prata / ouro HDFC lhe dará Rs. 0,10, enquanto que gastar o mesmo valor em Regalia lhe dará Rs. 1,08 em termos de pontos de recompensa. Mas, novamente, a Regalia e a Infinia são cartões baseados em taxas e, portanto, é necessário fatorar isso ao computar a proposta de recompensa relativa do cartão.

Exemplo - 2

Agora vamos comparar os pontos de recompensa HDFC com os pontos de recompensa do CITIBANK.

Se compararmos a mesma métrica Rupee Earned por Rs. 100 gastos, os cartões Platinum e Ultima são opções decentes e no segmento premium o HDFC oferece melhores recompensas.

Recompensas Aceleradas & # 8211; Categorias de cartão Spend and Best em cada categoria.

Além da proposta de recompensa básica que está presente em todos os cartões de crédito, a maioria dos cartões no mercado oferece uma proposta de ganho de recompensas acelerada. Essas recompensas aceleradas podem estar em uma variedade de formas. Por exemplo. 5x recompensas em lojas departamentais, 10X recompensas em gastos online ou 5% de reembolso em lojas departamentais.

Agora vamos usar o conceito acima e considerar as proposições de recompensas aceleradas (que algumas dessas cartas oferecem) para obter as melhores cartas em cada uma das categorias de gastos. A fórmula para calcular as recompensas é simples: basta multiplicar as recompensas básicas acumuladas acima pela recompensa acelerada que ganha várias vezes.

Recompensas ganhas = (Rúpia ganha por Rs. 100 Gasto) * (Recompensa Acelerada Ganho múltiplo) * Gastar / 100.

Exemplo & # 8211; Recompensas ganhas se você gastou Rs. 2000 no cartão Citibank Rewards.

Para o Citibank Rewards, Rupee Ganhou por Rs. 100 gasto = Rs. 0,4 Recompensa Acelerada Ganho: 10X em Lojas Departamentais Recompensas Ganhos = 10 * 0,4 * 2000/100 = Rs. 80

Algumas empresas de cartão de crédito, embora ofereçam propostas de recompensas aceleradas, mas as oferecem apenas em estabelecimentos selecionados. Por exemplo, A Amex oferece recompensas de 10X em seus parceiros, o cartão de recompensas CITI a oferece em comerciantes selecionados, etc. Se você não fizer compras nesses comerciantes, não receberá recompensas aceleradas. Essa é a razão pela qual eu prefiro os cartões de crédito que oferecem uma estrutura de recompensas achatada e acelerada para que eu tenha a liberdade de fazer compras onde quiser. Além disso, algumas dessas recompensas aceleradas têm validade, o que significa ter uma data de expiração. Você é elegível para recompensas aceleradas somente nesse período. Também tenho uma preferência por Cashback em comparação com o acúmulo de recompensas, sendo a razão duas vezes. Primeiro: o Cashback impacta minhas saídas diretamente em comparação com as recompensas (onde é preciso passar pelo processo de resgate de prêmios e seus benefícios). Segundo: é mais rápido.

Tendo isso em mente, vamos levar em consideração as recompensas aceleradas da proposição básica de recompensas dos cartões de crédito e descobrir qual carta lhe dará a vantagem máxima. Além disso, o seguinte lhe dará a chance de avaliar o seu cartão em relação aos cartões disponíveis no mercado.

Os dados foram coletados dos sites e catálogos de diferentes empresas de cartão de crédito. Como as recompensas aceleradas são principalmente fornecidas em categorias específicas, então devemos considerar cada categoria separadamente e descobrir a melhor carta nessa categoria.

Vencedor & # 8211; Cartão de Manhattan Platinum.

Mesmo que pareça, possuir um cartão Citibank Rewards lhe dará, Rs. 80 dinheiro de volta, mas isso é apenas superficial, porque as recompensas de 5X no cartão do Citibank é limitado a apenas algumas lojas. O estilo de vida é o principal deles. Para o cartão Manhattan Platinum, embora a oferta conte apenas sobre as lojas departamentais, ela cobre todos os tipos de gastos com varejo. Os gastos em shoppings são cobertos por esta oferta.

Novamente, é uma luta direta entre o Manhattan Platinum e o Citibank Rewards. E o Manhattan Platinum ganha mãos para baixo.

Claramente o cartão Kotak Trump é o vencedor claro. Com você salvando quase Rs. 600 por mês, se você é um restaurante pesado. Há alguns pontos mais delicados, que o total gasto em filmes e restaurantes deve ser mais de Rs. 4000. Existem alguns outros cartões, onde as empresas emissoras de cartões têm um empate com restaurantes específicos em diferentes cidades. Citibank sendo um deles onde eles se conectaram com mais de 200 comerciantes em toda a Índia e oferecem um plano de 20% de desconto.

Vencedor & # 8211; Titânio Padrão Chartered.

Os prêmios Standard Chartered Platinum, Standard Chartered Titanium, IOC Titanium e ICICI Bank HPCL são bastante próximos em termos de ganhos mensais. Mas eu gosto mais de cashback do que de ganhos através de pontos de recompensa. Além disso, o cashback de 5% em qualquer bomba de gasolina em comparação com o IOC e HPCL para os cartões bancários Citibank e ICICI, respectivamente, fazem do Standard Chartered Card um vencedor nesta categoria.

Vencedor & # 8211; Titânio Padrão Chartered.

Os prêmios Standard Chartered Platinum, Standard Chartered Titanium, IOC Titanium e ICICI Bank HPCL são bastante próximos em termos de ganhos mensais. Mas eu gosto mais de cashback do que de ganhos através de pontos de recompensa. Além disso, o cashback de 5% em qualquer bomba de gasolina em comparação com o IOC e HPCL para os cartões bancários Citibank e ICICI, respectivamente, fazem do Standard Chartered Card um vencedor nesta categoria.

Vencedor & # 8211; Cartão de titânio padrão Chartered.

Mais uma vez, ambos os cartões são igualmente bons, mas a condição adicional de pagar suas contas através do Citibank torna minha preferência para o cartão Standard Chartered Titanium.

Realizando uma análise similar nas categorias de Filmes e Entretenimento e Notas de Utilidade, revela que o cartão Kotak Trump e o cartão Standard Chartered Titanium emergem como a carta de topo nas respectivas categorias.

Carteira de cartões de crédito que se deve possuir.

Tendo feito o duro trabalho de análise, cálculos e comparações, chegamos ao ponto mais fácil de criar uma carteira de cartões de crédito para você, o que acelera o ganho de recompensa e ajuda a economizar uma quantia substancial ao longo de um período de tempo. Para dar a você uma ideia sobre economia que pode ser feita com essa carteira, criei alguns cenários e as respectivas economias. Pode-se criar seus próprios cenários de gastos / recompensas usando a tabela abaixo.

Este é um guest post de Gaurav Thakur, que atualmente trabalha como analista em uma empresa de fundos mútuos. Um ex-aluno do IIT em Kanpur, ele trabalhou principalmente na indústria de serviços financeiros, trabalhando com cartões de crédito do Citibank India por um par de anos e também passando tempo na divisão de empréstimos pessoais do Citibank. Este artigo apareceu primeiro no blog gaurav aqui.

Qual cartão de crédito você já tem e está satisfeito com seus pontos de recompensa e benefícios de reembolso? Você recebeu algum insight deste artigo sobre pontos de recompensas de cartão de crédito?


153 respostas sobre este artigo & ldquo; Credit Card Reward Points & # 038; Cash Back Comparison & # 8211; Desenterrado & rdquo;

Obrigado é realmente útil para entender o CC .. e, por exemplo, em dinheiro & amp; reescrever pontos.

Obrigado pelo seu comentário Preity.

Quais são os principais cartões de crédito, que oferecem o resgate de pontos de recompensa em dinheiro?

Obrigado por fazer sua pergunta. No entanto, eu não acho que sou elegível para responder a sua consulta, pois é fora do escopo do meu conhecimento ou não é diretamente relacionado ao dinheiro.

Eu ficaria feliz se o autor pode atualizar o blog com os últimos cartões disponíveis no mercado, se houver alterações.

Alguém pode confirmar o que significa transação on-line? Isso significa que quaisquer transações feitas on-line (incluindo pagamentos de serviços on-line)?

O cartão SimplyCLICK SBI oferece recompensas de 5X em todos os outros gastos on-line.

Se os gastos online forem & # 8220; tudo & # 8221; on-line, então estou mais do que feliz em ir para este cartão.

Você deve olhar para os termos e condições do cartão!

excelente análise. mas você pode, por favor, analisar a categoria de & gt; spends on-line & # 8221; Além disso? Como em qual cartão dá retornos máximos sobre despesas on-line, como compras, reserva de bilhetes de trem / ônibus, recarga móvel / dth etc?

O CITIBank pontua muito bem nesses parâmetros. Eu sugiro que.

Cartão Citibank é ok ok .. comerciantes de que se poderia ganhar 10x diminuiu e por isso é o valor de 1 ponto de recompensa.

Isso aconteceu recentemente?

Eu tomei dois empréstimos do scb para o qual as parcelas são carregadas com parcelas e taxas de serviço. onde está a questão do serviço quando estou pagando as prestações do empréstimo. Fui cobrado com duas taxas de serviço para as duas prestações do empréstimo e perdendo cerca de 1000 Rs. apartamento de empréstimo junto com juros como taxa de serviço. Daí eu fechei os empréstimos agora. outros bancos, como sbi e citi, não cobravam os empréstimos tomados com eles.

Você pode por favor ver os termos e condições do cartão? Também você está levando sobre a taxa de serviço ou o imposto de serviço?

Oi Manish, precisa tomar uma decisão entre assinatura sbi e regalia hdfc. Qual é mais benéfico?

Essa é uma questão de alto nível. Certamente dependeria de pessoa para pessoa.

Oi Manish, nem eu nem minha esposa entender cartão de crédito. meu cunhado (saala) insistiu minha esposa para levar cartão de crédito e ele está usando o cartão da minha esposa. de vez em quando vejo declaração de cartão de crédito vejo taxa atrasada de 400 ou 500rs. pensando em desativar cartão porque não podemos monitorar cartão e saala, mas uma pergunta é rastejando Será que realmente precisamos de um cartão de crédito? Fiz algumas pesquisas on-line por 6 horas ler tantos artigos mas obter resposta.

Você não precisa na realidade, mas nos dias de hoje você precisa para construir sua pontuação de crédito. Mas isso só acontecerá quando você estiver pagando dívidas no prazo. No seu caso, é o oposto, por isso está machucando sua esposa. Melhor fechá-lo.

Com muitas transações acontecendo on-line (Internet) e off-line (Pay by Swiping) é bom ter cartão de crédito.

Se você está pouco preocupado com o cartão de crédito restringir o uso do cartão inicialmente apenas para pagar mercearia, contas de serviços públicos e prémios de seguro.

Durante um período de tempo, você verá a diferença.

Olá, senhor, esta posht é vrry usefuLl e eu tenho idéia sobre cartões de crédito. Eu tenho uma pergunta que eu sou um professor primário em maharashtra eu tenho 4 cartões de débito, mas não de cartão de crédito eu quero ter um cartão de crédito e será livre de quaisquer taxas anuais ou etc meu uso é pouco como recargas onkine shooping ets plz senhor sugira-me qualquer cartão plz.

Você pode solicitar um cartão de crédito do mesmo banco em que possui contas bancárias.

Acabei de descobrir este artigo (antigo mas muito bom) enquanto procurava pela reputação do HDFC Regalia CC. Eu sou um cliente bancário clássico com HDFC. Eu comecei com uma HDFC Platinum Plus CC muito básica exatamente 2 anos atrás. Desde que voltei dos EUA, meu histórico de crédito era praticamente inexistente na Índia.

Lentamente, mas mal-humorado, eu fui atualizado de Platinum Plus para Superia CC. Agora eu estava apenas oferecendo o seu cartão Super Premium Regalia que eu tirei. O próximo na fila seria para ser elegível para o cartão HDFC Infinia (em cerca de 5 anos de tempo), que está no topo de sua pilha até o momento desta publicação. Eu tenho apenas 30 anos de idade, um jovem empreendedor tentando obter as mãos, em coisas que a maioria não pode. As recompensas são um incentivo muito pequeno para pessoas como a minha. Exclusividade, por outro lado é uma unidade maior. O único outro cartão que eu tenho é um cartão AMEX Gold Charge (me ofereceram o seu Platinum Reserve CC, que eu recusei). Fiquei com a impressão de que os cartões Charge são mais difíceis de se qualificar. Mas na minha experiência, especialmente em Gurgaon, praticamente todas as outras pessoas estão tendo este cartão. Talvez eu tenha feito uma escolha errada, mas meu próximo alvo é obter o cartão AMEX Platinum Charge (em cerca de 3 anos). Isso pode me tornar elegível para o ultra exclusivo, apenas por convite AMEX Black Card (em cerca de 10 anos de tempo).

Eu sou apenas um cara comum tentando construir meu histórico de crédito lentamente. Eu pretendo manter apenas 2 cartas.

Deixe-me saber se qualquer uma das melhores práticas financeiras (além de ganhar mais dinheiro :)) pode me ajudar a acelerar meu objetivo de entrar no clube ultra-exclusivo quando eu atingir meus 40 anos.

Pontuação de crédito: 7/6/14 & # 8211; CIBIL 860

Limite CC: Regalias HDFC & # 8211; Rs 3,00,000.00 & # 8211; 2 anos de história com HDFC.

Amex Gold Charge & # 8211; Rs 1,75,000.00 (Teoricamente é ilimitado, mas) & # 8211; 6 meses de história com Amex.

Obrigado por compartilhar seu valioso comentário sobre este tópico. Por favor, continue compartilhando suas opiniões no futuro também.

Manish, no início do ano passado, este post me ajudou a apostar no cartão de recompensas do Citibank (que você muito!), E eu fiquei muito feliz com isso naquela época, já que comecei a acumular os pontos rapidamente. Mas depois de 3 ou 4 meses eu percebi que eu não estava recebendo as recompensas de 10x nas mercearias que eu era capaz anteriormente. Depois de perguntar, o Citibank me disse que a lista de lojas que são elegíveis para esta oferta é mantida pela Visa e eles não são responsáveis ​​se atualizá-la. Então, eu fiz compras em uma rede diferente no mês seguinte e tinha certeza que recebi 10x recompensas, mas logo a mesma coisa se repetiu. Às vezes, recebo 10x recompensas em um local, mas não em outro (a julgar pelos meus cálculos aproximados), embora ambos pertençam à mesma cadeia. Até agora, eu tentei todas as grandes mercearias que há em Hyderabad e nenhuma delas é elegível para recompensas de 10x. E além disso, eles anunciaram recentemente a redução no valor dos pontos de 0.40p para 0.25p, tornando-os ainda menos valiosos. Neste ponto, só posso pensar que tudo é um grande truque. Eles ou personalizam as recompensas de cada pessoa até que se envolvam (como enganar o consumidor desavisado) ou não querem mais manter o cartão competitivo (bom demais para ser verdade, para começar).

Eu quero substituí-lo com um cartão melhor e me pergunto se você pode criar um novo post baseado nas últimas ofertas.

Este artigo foi um post convidado escrito por outro leitor 🙂. Então, não tenho certeza de como é viável editar o artigo agora. Eu sugiro que você faça sua própria pesquisa comparando os benefícios de outras páginas de cartão de crédito dos bancos.

Eu quero saber sobre cartão de crédito. Estou em um negócio de agência de jornal e também trabalho como um consultor de líc. Eu preciso de um cartão de crédito do banco Hdfc. mas eu não tenho conta nesse banco. é possível obter cartão ou sou Eu estou qualificado para o cartão de crédito. Meu retorno de TI está acima de 200.000 pasuggest me como eu entendi.

Você é elegível para o cartão de crédito, mas geralmente os bancos tentam garantir que você tenha uma conta bancária com eles.

excelente informação de fato 🙂

O HDFC Regalia está agora livre para toda a vida (uma vez que você tenha determinado salário) e tem o maior retorno de todos.

Mais uma coisa. O artigo não parece ter um & # 8216; publicado & # 8217; data, eu tive que adivinhar quando foi escrito com base nas datas nos comentários. Eu visitei seu site mais cedo e aprecio a qualidade das informações disponíveis.

Oi Dbhat, a melhor coisa é que você pode olhar para o artigo URL e verificar o mês e ano .. dá-lhe uma boa ideia!

Sim, vejo isso agora.

Artigo agradável e boa comparação, gostaria de ver alguns números atualizados como estes termos e serviços mudam o tempo todo. Estou muito feliz com o meu cartão de crédito ICICI platinum.

1. Sem custo extra para combustível nas bombas HPCL.

2. Swiping Payback na bomba e lojas participantes como Central me dão pontos extras.

3. Eu posso realmente comprar com o cartão de retorno das lojas. Maior escolha Não ligar para o atendimento ao cliente e esperar por vouchers. 🙂

Você recomendaria um cartão diferente para mim? Eu gasto entre 50k a 1L por mês no cartão.

Verdadeiramente eu amo o cartão ICICI meu auto 🙂 .. Não há necessidade de sequer olhar para os outros 😉

Alguém tem uma lista válida de estabelecimentos que estão sob & nbsp; Mercearias, supermercados, lojas departamentais & # 8221; Código da MCC.

Acho que não !

Grande pesquisa. Tenho duas consultas.

1.Std Chattered Titanium crad 5% em dinheiro de volta em combustível, isto é 5%, inclusive de sobretaxa de 2,5% ou exclusivo de sobretaxa?

2. O prêmio LIC vem sob a opção de pagamento de contas de serviços públicos para o Std Chattered Titanium?

Excelente artigo aqui.

Eu uso o cartão HDFC Platinum Plus para Gasto de Combustível, uma vez que eles não cobram nenhuma taxa adicional e usam o Cartão Citibank Rewards para todas as outras despesas.

O BookmyShow e a Vodafone estão aceitando pagamento com o Citi Reward Points, portanto, estou economizando dinheiro.

Obrigado por compartilhar isso!

One Typo: para Manhattan, é um limite mensal de R $ 500 em dinheiro e não anualmente.

Obrigado por compartilhar isso.

Bom artigo, mas como já faz quase um ano, algumas atualizações precisam ser destacadas:

O cartão Kotak Trump (Now Feast) não oferece mais dispensa de sobretaxa em bilhetes de trem.

O Manhattan Card ainda é o melhor para compras departamentais (devolução do dinheiro disponível em no mínimo 1.000 e no máximo 4.000 gasta por transação com um limite anual de reembolso em dinheiro de Rs500)

O Standard Chartered Titanium ainda é o melhor cartão para pagamentos de contas de combustível, telecomunicações e serviços públicos (o Cash Back disponível no mínimo de 750 e o máximo de 2.000 gastos por transação com um limite mensal de Rs500 em dinheiro de volta)

O Citibank Cash Back Card também é uma boa opção para Pagamentos de Filmes, Telecomunicações e Serviços Públicos, embora o limite máximo de devolução de dinheiro seja de Rs100 por CICLO DE FATURAMENTO em cada categoria com restrição adicional para pagar contas de serviços públicos pelo site do Citibank.

O Kotak Feast Card pode levar até 10% do seu dinheiro de volta (máximo de 600 retornos em dinheiro por mês) em suas despesas de cinema e refeições, se o total gasto nesse CICLO DE FATURAMENTO for maior que Rs5000.

O cartão de crédito HDFC está oferecendo 5% de dinheiro de volta em todas as contas de telecomunicações e de serviços públicos registradas para pagamento automático através do SmartPay (valor máximo de reembolso de Rs 200 por mês). Mais uma advertência adicional é que esse dinheiro de volta é apenas para os primeiros seis meses.

Para transações de gasolina inferiores a Rs750, use o cartão de crédito HSBC para a isenção de sobretaxa. Outros cartões de crédito agora também oferecem dispensa de sobretaxa de combustível, mas a maioria deles terá alguma restrição de transação mínima de 400 ou 500, mas não do HSBC.

O cartão American Express Gold Charge oferece 1000 pontos de bônus no mínimo de quatro transações de Rs1000 cada em um mês & # 8211; Isso é uma gritante 12000 pontos por ano!

O cartão de crédito Axis My Choice também oferece dinheiro de volta & # 8230; mas muitas restrições viz. máximo por mês 250, máximo por ano 1000 & # 8230; ainda não é uma opção ruim.

Eu sinto que os cartões de crédito mais inúteis são IndusInd, SBI, HDFC e RBS. Eles têm menos benefícios. O ICICI também teria se juntado a essa lista, se não tivesse sido afiliado com os Pontos de Retorno que têm seu próprio conjunto de benefícios. Além disso, a ICICI apresenta regularmente algumas ofertas em seu cartão de crédito todos os anos.

Uma observação: Quase todos os cartões com uma taxa anual podem renunciar a essa taxa se você for bom em negociações, especialmente se tiver usado esse cartão de crédito regularmente. Uma pequena ameaça de cancelar o cartão é o suficiente para dispensar a taxa anual.

Obrigado por todas estas atualizações. Vai fazer as alterações em breve!

Mais algumas atualizações sobre isso:

1. Manhattan Platinum Standard Chartered: 5% de cashback por transação no mínimo de Rs 1000 / - e máximo de Rs 3000 / - (ou seja, cashback máximo de Rs 150 por transação) limitado a cashback de Rs 500 / - por mês.

Então, se você está comprando aparelhos no valor de Rs 8000 / - de uma só vez (com número de itens de vestuário), solicitar no momento do faturamento, para quebrar a compra em 3 contas (cada um entre Rs 1000-3000) e passe o cartão 3 vezes . Então você receberá um reembolso total de Rs 400 / -, ou se você roubar todo o Rs 8000 / - de uma só vez, receberá apenas Rs 150 / -.

2. O cartão Amex Gold é um ótimo cartão onde você pode ganhar um bônus de 1.000 pintas por mês, mas às vezes é difícil fazer 4 transações por mês de Rs 1000 / - ou mais cada. Digamos que você está reservando um bilhete de avião de Rs 8000 / - mas não é possível dividi-lo em 4 transações.

Obrigado por compartilhar seu valioso comentário sobre este tópico. Por favor, continue compartilhando suas opiniões no futuro também.

o que a cláusula no 9 significa? desde já, obrigado.

Por favor, abra uma discussão no fórum para discutir este jagoinvestor / forum /

Você pode compartilhar suas opiniões sobre o cartão de crédito SBI Platinum?

Abra um tópico para discuti-lo no fórum jagoinvestor / forum /

Agora, isso é o que eu chamo de análise perfeita & # 8230; & # 8230; & # 8230; Eu estava procurando por um cartão de devolução de dinheiro em pagamentos de serviços públicos desde muito tempo atrás & # 8230; & # 8230; & # 8230; muito.

Não vá para qualquer cartão do Standard Chartered. Você terá muito & # 8220; Dard & # 8221; enquanto enfrenta o Atendimento ao Cliente, que é patético. É "Kashtmer uncare" & # 8221; no sentido real. Eu já cancelei meu cartão de titânio e estou feliz com a minha decisão.

Eu gasto muito em meu cartão de crédito, duas mil lakhs todo mês e a maioria na categoria de loja de departamentos, e eu prefiro os cartões onde eu posso resgatar os pontos de recompensa para os saldos de cartão de crédito, ou mais ou menos os mesmos .

Eu tinha Citi Platinum Select, que usa para dar 5 pontos para cada 125 gasto e cada ponto é igual a um Rs 1 / - quando resgatado para saldos. Isso era lindo, pois costumava dar 4% em dinheiro de volta das sortes. Infelizmente eles recuperaram o produto e, eventualmente, eu tive que fechar o cartão, pois eles estavam me pedindo para ir para um cartão diferente, que não era nem metade benéfico como este foi.

Agora eu estou usando o cartão IndusInd Platinum, que tem uma taxa de adesão e dá 1,5 pontos para cada cem gastos, independentemente da categoria e quando você trocá-los para saldos de cartão de crédito você tem 85 paise por ponto. Então, efetivamente recebendo um dinheiro de volta de 1,275%.

Eu gasto muito a cada mês, o que normalmente é executado em alguns lakhs e ainda estou procurando por qualquer cartão que pode chegar perto de Citi Platinum Select ou melhor do que IndusInd Platinum. IndusInd Signature é pouco melhor, onde você pode fazer até 1,5%, mas tem uma taxa enorme juntando taxa de 10K ou 25k, onde eles dão-lhe algum GV em troca que eu não estou interessado. Qualquer corpo pode sugerir cartas melhores?

Não tenho certeza se pode ser respondida aqui, melhor tentar o nosso fórum.

O autor também deve considerar cartões de viagem, como os cartões ICICI / HDFC / AMEX Jet e o cartão de milhas CITI Premier. Todos esses cartões têm bônus de inscrição e, mesmo que você não seja um viajante muito frequente e faça apenas três a quatro viagens por ano, esses cartões podem economizar muito dinheiro.

Por exemplo, considere o cartão ICICI Jet (Amex ver) Sapphiro Card. Tem taxas anuais de 5000 + impostos, com o qual você ganha 15.000 milhas e uma taxa de ganho de 7 milhas por 100. Se você considerar uma despesa média de 20:00 horas, você ganha mais 15 mil milhas. Um total de 30000 milhas pode levar 2 viagens de ida e volta de BOM-DEL, que certamente excederão as taxas anuais. Você também obtém outros benefícios, como acesso ao lounge em aeroportos, etc. como addons.

O Citi premier miles também é uma boa opção se você não quiser ficar com o Jet. Ele tem 3.000 + taxas de impostos com as quais você recebe 10.000 pontos de recompensa (equivalente a 5.000 INR) mais taxa de ganho de 2 rs por 100 em gastos normais e 5 por 100 em gastos de companhias aéreas. Ele também tem outros addons como acesso ao lounge com o cartão.

Obrigado por adicionar essas informações valiosas.

Ótimo trabalho, Manish, gostaria de afinar seu trabalho.

Eu concordo completamente com o vencedor.

Cartão de platina Manhatten (5% em super mercados e 5X em todos os outros).

1) Supermercados / loja de depósito: min Rs.1000 (se não houver cashback ou pontos)

Solução: - Cartão Bajaj Platinum padrão 5X em supermercados (mínimo)

Manhatten com bajaj platinum será um bom combo para pessoas que querem restringir seus cartões (max 2) e boa parte é tanto você pode ter no mesmo nome de pessoa.

Obrigado por esses pontos adicionais!

Agora as recompensas do cartão de platina de Manhatten tinham mudado os 5 pontos de 100 para 150 a partir de janeiro de 2013. Isto reduz a razão para 100 como 3,33 pontos. Leve isso em consideração para cálculos no futuro.

Obrigado por apontar .. vai anotar.

Ninguém considerou os cartões de crédito do HSBC aqui, eles também dão mais ou menos os mesmos benefícios.

Pl pode alguém incluir aqueles também.

Não tenho certeza se eles são um dos melhores ou não. O autor convidado deste artigo não o considerou.

O HSBC é o melhor em pontos de recompensa. Para um cartão de platina você pode obter quase 1 rupia por cada 100 gasto quando você resgatar os pontos através de vales-presente. Eu tenho usado o cartão de crédito HSBC nos últimos 6 anos.

HDFC, SBI são muito pobres em pontos de recompensa.

Obrigado por compartilhar suas opiniões e experiências sobre isso.

Tanto quanto eu sei, Stan Gráfico Super Value Titanium que dá 5% de desconto no combustível é, na verdade, 2,5% Cash Back e 2,5% de reversão de Sobretaxa. Também oferece pontos de recompensa nas compras feitas para os pagamentos de contas de Combustível e Utilidade, porque o dinheiro de volta já está lá. Eu tenho usado para o meu combustível e pagamentos de contas de serviços públicos e economizando cerca de 200 a 250 por mês.

Stan Chart Super Value Titanium NÃO dá pontos de recompensa em compras feitas para pagamento de combustível e contas de serviços públicos.

Eu atualizei recentemente do cartão de crédito HDFC Platinum Plus para o cartão de assinatura. O executivo de atendimento ao cliente me disse que o meu limite de caixa será aumentado em cerca de 1 rupias lac e as minhas taxas anuais também aumentariam em Rs. 100. Eu costumo usar o meu cartão de crédito em caso de compra de coisas caras (como eu posso pagar em prestações fáceis) ou para passagens aéreas (usado apenas duas vezes até agora nos últimos 3 anos).

Com base no meu uso, você pensa em primeiro lugar que eu deveria possuir um cartão de crédito? E se sim, vale a pena atualizar?

Estou certo de que vale a pena acrescentar Rs 100 em taxas se você puder economizar muito mais do que isso. Também pense nisso como uma ferramenta de emergência que pode ajudá-lo no futuro. Também com uso regular, você será capaz de manter seu histórico de crédito.

O filme como categoria deve ser separado do jantar, embora a Kotak ofereça um reembolso de 10%.

O cartão ICICI Coral tem um & # 8220; Comprar um Get One Free & # 8221; oferta aplicável para 4 bilhetes grátis em um mês.

Obrigado por compartilhar esse Kunal!

Artigo excelente e útil como outros artigos do jagoInvestor. Mantenha o excelente trabalho 🙂

Manish, Muito obrigado pela análise em profundidade, mas aqui está uma ressalva na quantidade que você mostrou na tabela acima. De acordo com as regras do Standard Chartered, nenhum único cliente pode deter tanto o Stan Chart Titanium & amp; Os cartões Manhattan Platinum juntos, como ambos, são cartões em dinheiro de volta. Então, efetivamente, é impossível ter esse tipo de economia anual, como mostrado na tabela. Então, eu carrego o cartão Stan Chart Titanium juntamente com o cartão de recompensas Stan Platinum Platinum como cartão secundário no nome da minha esposa. Onde quer que 5% de reembolso seja aplicável, eu uso o cartão de titânio e para todo o resto utilizamos o cartão Platinum Rewards que ganha 5 pontos em cada Rs. 100 / - para maximizar os retornos. 🙂

obrigado por esse ponto Sachin .. Concentre-se mais no take away do artigo, é mais sobre os benefícios que estes cartões oferecem .. se faz sentido para transportá-los, então vá em frente, mais despejar. no final você tem que decidir o que você quer tirar do artigo 🙂

Obrigado Gaurav & amp; Manish para este artigo informativo.

Concordo completamente que Stan Chart & # 8211; Super Value Titanium é o vencedor na maioria das categorias. É o melhor cartão para mim como sua vida útil grátis como eu consegui em 2007. SCB Manhattan também é ótimo cartão mas SCB informou que dois cartões de recompensas (Titanium & amp; Manhattan) não podem ser emitidos para um consumidor! Não tenho certeza se isso é verdade?

Nunca pensei em comparar os meus 11 Cartões de Crédito (emitidos por 8 Bancos Diferentes); o caminho que Gaurav fez. No entanto, eu tenho uma folha de excel simples que eu uso para manter uma faixa em qual cartão usar em qual data do mês, dependendo da data do Shopping e da data do Extrato.

No processo de fazer uma declaração comparativa com base no & # 8220; Rupee ganho em cada Rs. 100 gastos & # 8221; .

Atualmente, eu seguro.

1] ICICI & # 8211; i) HPCL Gold ii) Platinum & # 8212; Não é de muita utilidade.

2] Citibank & # 8211; iii) First Citizen — Shoppers Stop iv) IOCL Titanium — Fuel at IOCL.

3] SBI GE – v) Gold — Not of much use.

4] SCB - vi) Super Value –Telecom Bills, Fuel Purchase vii) Inner Circle — Lifestyle.

5] RBS – viii) Gold — Not of much use.

6] Kotak – ix) Trump — IRCTC for Rly Surcharge waiver.

7] HDFC – x) Visa Signature — Visa Signature offers.

8] Indusind – xi) Platinum Aura — Free Auto Assist and Inbuilt Card Protection.

All these cards except Indusind Platinum Aura (Refundable Joining fee) are Lifetime free and I have not paid a single penny as Interest / Fee / Charges / penalty since the time I started using Credit Cards in 2005 and I have a CIBIL Score of more than 800.

That is why I disagree with people who oppose having many cards as collectively from all my cards I save atleast Rs. 10 K to Rs. 12 K per Annum if not Rs. 16 K 🙂

Thanks again to Manish, Jago Investor team and Gaurav…

Yes, StanChart does not issue Titanium and Manhattan to a single customer simultaneously. Therefore, I took Titanium card on my wife’s name and “fake” the sign on the charge slip! 😉

That’s a great idea 🙂 Thanks would try that soon!

Instead of StanChart Titanium, consider Axis Bank’s MY Choice credit card. Same features at very competetive annual fees: Rs. 750 p. a. of StanChart’s vs Rs. 250 p. a. of Axis Bank’s.

One of my friend was having Axis My Choice card which have 5 percent cash back on 2 category spends. While applying he was informed that max cash back per Annum is Rs. 1000 only and Axis Bank no where mentioned in T&C about max limit per month. Later he got to know that max cash back per month will be 250 only. So he have advised me not to go for it…

Stan Chart Titanium gives max Rs. 500 cash back per month; what is the limit for Stan Chart Manhattan?

Not sure on that 🙂

Must say you are managing really well. Always heard that having many credit card may create problems for you with delay in payments, interest charges, dispute but you are managing quite nicely it seems.

I would like to correct one fact regarding citibank cash back card. You get 5% cash back even if you pay through your telecom company’s website (I am not sure if the same is true electricity/water bill payments). I am using it for past 1 year and i always pay my bills from Airtel website and i always get 5% cash back.. If you call their customer care and ask them to provide a detailed cash back per transaction, they will do so. So you can find out which transaction of yours got how much cash backs. Apart from these, you also get a 5% cash back when you do a prepaid mobile recharge (also from a telecom companies website).

Thanks for that update Sumit 🙂

I use stan chartd manhattan platinum. It gives 5% cash back if purchase is above 1000 Rs. in supermarkets.

Also I use points to refill my vodafone prepaid talktime. I dont remember charging vodafone no on my own in the last 6 months. FREE TALKTIME !!

Good to hear that Anand 🙂

Obrigado por este post. It is quite a comparison for the cards.

I have a point to make here.

You have shown StanC Manhattan Platinum as winner in couple of categories below bases on its 5 % cash back the card holder receives in Departmental Stores.

I have recentely faced one issue or should I say glitch in the way this 5 % cash back works.

“The cash back on StanC Manhattan Platinum Card is not a straight forward phenomenon. Though T&Cs mention it but not clearly. Whether the one will get the cash back on the seemingly eligible transaction depends on the acquiring bank on whose EDC machine the transaction has been done and that is because the bank [of the EDC machine] may not be rightly registered with StanC under the cash program. Por exemplo. if at a merchant store; it has the EDC machiens from two banks viz XY & ZX, it is very much possible that the transactions done on the machines of bank XY would be eligible and the transactions done on machines of bank ZX will not be eligible for cash back. And no where there is mention of this list or agreements; in the T&Cs for the card. So if you visit a departmental store which has only machines from bank ZX; you will not get cash back and nobody has the idea which banks’ machines they should swipe their card to get the cash back.”

StanC blames it on the MCC [Merchant Category Code] provided by VISA / Master to the merchants and Banks; but it is simply beyond one’s speculation how the consumer should be bother about it. And how can anybody know which bank [merchant at least they list in T&Cs] is registered for this program which bank is not.

Following is the link to detailed post on Mouthshut:

This happens with Manhattan Platinum Card and as of my understanding it is nothing to do with which bank’s EDC machine is swiped. It is based on how the merchant has registered his EDC machine with VISA. I am regularly using Manhattan Platinum and asked some of the merchants and they know on what category it is registered with VISA. It works well for known departmental stores (which we tested for cash back) and it fails some time (when we use it in unknown stores) . Unknown fact is some of the apparel shops, baby shops, toy shops also registered their EDC in Dept Stores category so for our surprise we used to get Cashback there also.

The cash back is clearly based on the Merchant code which dept stores should use while registering with VISA. Yes, you are correct you never know which machine you will get Cash Back. I am a regular user of Manhattan Plantinum and when I spoke to couple of dept store billing guys, they’re aware of this Merchant code and they said it is registered under dept store so I got cash back. Since we identified couple of dept stores which is registered properly we are continuing our purchase to get Cash Back. The best part is some of the Apparel Shops, Toy shops, Baby Shops were registered as Dept Stores in Visa for my surprise I got cash back from there so I am continuing my purchase with those shops also. So there is no guarantee to get cash back with this card if we have not tested the card in that dept store.

First of all a clarification - now for cash back , the transaction has to be minimum 1000 Rs, not 500.

Secondly, I have been following it up with StanC since December, even with the bank on whose EDC machines the transactions were done.

I have given the complete details in the mouthshut link.

I did swipe my card on HDFC machines in BigBazaar, I have been getting cash back on Big Bazaar, but this time I did not get and the reason as per StanC is that HDFC’s MCC code is not registered with them for cash back. And I think everybody agree that Big Bazaar as a merchant is rightly registered for cash back since I have been getting it for more than two years.

So I think in addition to the merchant being registered under right MCC code, the aquiring bank [bank of EDC machine] of the merchant also has to be rightly registered with StanC. I say with StanC because here in my case, I have even got the HDFC’s MCC code which they shared with me, HDFC is registered under right code [I have no means to confirm it] with VISA but StanC says that the MCC code of HDFC is not right. So is it the banks’s battle or lack of proper terms in mutual arrangement between banks.

I am also a user of Manhattan Platinum and would like to bring to your notice:

1. For a transaction to be eligible for a cashback, a minimum amount of Rs. 1000 needs to be swiped. This was earlier Rs. 500.

2. A maximum cashback of only Rs. 200 is possible per transaction and Rs. 500 in a month.

3. In a retail store where you can get cashback, if you do not spend Rs. 1000 minimum, you do NOT get even reward points.

4. Any fuel transaction is liable to a surcharge of 2.5%

Manhattan was good when it started but has become so restrictive now that I am thinking of getting it cancelled (even though I have a life time free card)

Fair point. But if you think about it, the data capture issue is bound to exist. You might be shopping in a section of Life Style where the EDC machine has been registered under Departmental Store but you actually buy some furniture and get everything billed in the furniture section. There’s no way for the bank to know what portion of the transaction is under apparel and if you were supposed to get a cashback, you will probably not.

This is only one such example. We have also seen a number of mis-classifications, where some of the merchants are incorrectly classified and banks have to rectify their records at times.

But again that’s one of the assumptions that has gone behind writing the article. All the credit cards will be similarly impacted by such mis classifications. Just to add, if you are good with your convincing skills, you’ll probably get your cashback.

Good luck with your fight with the bank Kapil. So just to explain the process a little more, banks have a mapping given by them from Visa/Mastercard and this mapping gets updated periodically. And as I stated earlier there are a lot of misclassifications. One mis-classification I can remember is Taj Hotels getting classified as a departmental store.

I have a question, you are saying you had swiped your card on the same EDC machine in the same store of Big Bazaar, earlier you would get a cashback, now you don’t. & # 8211; If that’s the case then any previous bill where you have got a cash back should help you deal with the issue.

If its a different store – then quite likely the EDC machine has not been registered under the proper spend category. In that case, you can ask the bank to make a case with Visa/Mastercard.

But as you said, the acquiring bank EDC machine’s has to be registered with STANc, that’s not correct. Banks get this information from Visa/Mastercard.

Hope the above helps 🙂

I have been regular visitor of jagoInvestor but from last 0ne or two week not visiting regularly because of my tight schedule but trying my best to atleast visit it once in a day :).

I have not read current your article till now but will read it ASAP and comment on it. Again Thanks for all your efforts that you put in to give us everytime something new that we did not know before.

Good to hear that RD 🙂

Another imp aspect payment date, I used to have a TATA card (SBI card) and with good offers from TATA stores, and was satisfied with payment due date on 5th of every month. All my purchases till 10th of month would be paid in next salary and purchases after 10th would be in next to next month salary. One fine day without consulting me they changed the payment due to date to 30th thus disturbing my plans. I promptly submitted the card.

Currently I have one Master Card (Citi Oil), One VISA card (HDFC Chip) and one AMEX card, with billing dates 05, 15 and 23.

Another reason for having multiple cards at time it could happen that the store may not be able to swipe particular brand cc on the day with some techinical difficulties.

Thanks for sharing that 🙂

Stand Chart Titanium Card – As per Website,

5% Cash Back on Fuel across ALL Petrol Pumps You’ll receive 2.5% surcharge reversal + 2.5% cashback on transaction amount, be it BPCL, IOC, HPCL or Reliance.

It was a nice article. It should open the eyes of many – ever spenders. I have a citi card which i almost use as a debit card. The reward points I accumulate, will be used for only Petrol – nada mais. I book my air and train tickets after filling up the card and then do transaction. Since I know my fuel consumption pattern, I load my card well before in advance so that it is more of a convenience than always carrying cash. However this is my practice and i have never delayed any payments even during distress. May be the input from others having similar practices will enlighten me better.

Thanks for sharing that Anand 🙂 .. may be others can learn from your habits 🙂

arrya bhaai, keep life simple.

why spend if you want to save.

north and south , both are great, but they never meet, and those who try hard to make them meet only finaly EXHAUST.

any way a knowuledgeable article.

how we use this knowledge is our KARMAs.

for the mental peace of new generation, i pray.

Thanks for sharing your views Sandhu.

I am sure some people will find things in this article as useful to them and consume that part 🙂

new generation needs this any way.

u r tryimng to help them, i appreciate.

god only will save them,

we are heading US way, ” live on EMIs.”

Thanks for your views !

I have StanChart Manhattan and Titianium cards, as well as Kotak Trump card.

I have stopped using Kotak since the 10% cash back offered is applicable only if there is a minimum monthly spend of Rs. 5000 / -. I mainly use this card for booking train tickets, since surcharge of 1.8% is waived.

Manhattan card is unbeatable, which I have been using since last 4 years now! Luckily for me, I got this card in a lifetime-free offer. However, few months back they increased minimum amount to spend to Rs 1000 from Rs 500 earlier to be eligible to earn 5% cash back. This one is a winner.

I have another card from StanChart – Titanium card. While I have been using the 5% cash back on fuel and utility, I find MY choice card from Axis bank more competitive with respect to annual fee: Rs 750 vs Rs 500. However, Axis bank lets you choose only 2 categories. I am considering to switch to Axis bank MY choice and cancel the Titanium card since that fits my need.

Good find Vijay .. I just checked the My Choice cards, and it seems they have made it a free card. If that’s the case I guess you should make the switch and use the Fuel and Utility Bills as your two categories. A word of caution, just check if the Fuel cashback is limited to petrol pumps of specific companies (IOC or HPCL).

I can check that Axis bank charges Rs250 per annum as fees for My Choice Card. Its no free card. Correct me if I am wrong.

The first year fees has been waved off. They have a joining fees of Rs. 250 which I’m not very sure off. Fees from the second year is Rs. 250. Yes you are right its a no free card. But still a better choice than standard chartered titanium which charges an annual fees of Rs. 500.

Yes I guess Standard Chartered Titanium card has a fees of Rs 750 and not Rs 500.

Hi Manish.. Excellent Article.. I can now share this with ppl who constantly criticize me – for being extremely particular in choosing which card – I use for which transaction.. !! 🙂

One query – Just read in the comments that having multiple cards improves your credit score. Am not sure if that is true. It basically shows that you are exposed majorly to credit. And given that it is unsecured exposure – it may be a negative point in your credit profile. Of course, utilisation and payment patterns will over-ride this.

Sim. too many cards will be negative , especially if you are not handling them properly . Its not right that just because you have more credit cards, your score will be better. However 2-3 cards are fine . What really matters is your credit limit and your usage (should be atmax 50% of the limit) .

This is awesome post and thanks for doing all the grunt work! This is post for financial savvy power card user (unlike most personal finance post which aim at debt ridden fellow)!!

I own Manhattan and find it perfect for my needs. Will checkout other two.

Thanks for appreciations Ashish.

Oh My God. That much deep comparison………..could not ever thought abt this much deep…………by the way excellent collection and comparison of Fact…..I have a single Credit Card and NEVER want second credit card…Recently HDFC Bank Increased my Credit Card Limit to twice which i got decreased with much efforts because higher is credit limit , higher is risk……..

Thanks for your appreciation 🙂

Hello Manish & Gaurav,

Its a well thought and well written article, credits to Gaurav for writing this article and credits to Manish for sharing with us.

I have used only HDFC lifetime free credit card, which is now HDFC World - Master card for almost 6 years.

Its a eye opener for me, as i thought I have the best credit card.

I would like to mention on small mistake.

Below “Movie and Entertainment” the paragraph from “Fuel ” is repeated.

Now I know how to analyse a Credit card with the terms you have mentioned Gaurav, thanks for that.

Thank for sharing your views. I will correct that mistake.

Thanks a lot Saravanan. Makes all the hard work worth while.

WoW!! What a research .. you are really great!!

Thanks Srihari .. its a great job done by Gaurav, who is the author of the article. credits goes to him .

You seem to have chosen limited number of cards while deciding the cashback and rewards points calculations in the post. I am using an Axis Bank My Zone credit card and I enjoy the privilege of 25% on all movie ticket purchases but the thing is the amount of cashback is limited to Rs 1000 per calendar year. Though most of the cards provide cashbacks i believe that there would be such limits on Kotak Trump Card too. If there is something like that can you please let us know so that your post might not be misleading. I see from their site that Rs 5000 should have been spent on a billing cycle on dining and movies to be eligible for the cashback and also there are no new issuances of the card.

Yes, we have used limited cards only, cant take into consideration all the cards .. also take this article to understand the method used, and then apply it on your end too . Thanks for Gaurav to take this pain, lets appreciate that 🙂 . Its a guest post.

I find that while Manhattan Platinum Card is pretty good, they have some restrictive clauses – like the 5% cashback is applicable only for minimum purchase of Rs 1000, and has a cap of Rs 200 per-transaction. This means that if you use the card to do a large purchase (anything greater than rs 4,000), the cashback received reduces as a percentage of the transaction. It would actually have been better to get the 5X reward points instead for that transaction, but that is not possible.

Thanks for that point Ayush.

I know that things are not perfect, how ever you must have got some ideas out of the post, which now you can utilize to figure out the best credit card for some category ?

But if you want to pay bill more than 4000K u can pay it in multiple transaction as it is valid , i am paying my electricity bill in multiple transaction and getting the 5% cash back on each transaction.

This is a good article. I find standard chartered manhattan platinum card as very useful as I have been using this. apart from that I like HDFC platinum card for the EMI facility (with 0% processing fee and 0% interest – during some occasions) when you purchase gold. These cards were very useful. I have taken Amex as well, but will cancel it in sometime – as I didn’t find it useful for my kind of spends. I have already cancelled Kotak card – just based on the similar analysis done by the author.

After going thru this article, I might go for stadard chartered titanum card ( if it is given for free ). As a whole I think this article is very good.

But better to maintain as less credit cards as possible.

Yes .. good to maintain less credit cards, but if you can handle them well without falling in trap, then there is not a big issue even if you have 3-5 .

Our lives are already in-tangled with so many bills to pay, so many chores to do everyday and so many errands to clear (On top of it, I am sure the married guys always have a list of chores to do from their wives as icing on the cake. )….. Why to make it more complicated with so many Credit Cards now. ….. Just use one card, if you have enough white cash to burn, from whichever bank you are banking with for a long time and are comfortable with their security procedures. The headline of this article really catched my fancy to earn while you spend. But with so many cards advised with different purposes killed the mood.

We always expect our financial managers to make our lives simple. This one will not fall in the same line…… Cheers Mayank.

The article is for information purpose. You can just pick 1 credit card if you want based on some category. Its not mandatory for you to pick 5 🙂 . You have to do what you want to do and people will say what they have to say, there is no much corelation 🙂

In fact, having multiple cards is one way of enhancing your credit score. Having more than 2-3 cards with good credit record gives you a higher score.

I would say 2-3 is good number, however just having 2-3 is not better compared to single card, many other things like what is your overall limit, how much utilization you have also matters.

Agreed, I remember reading in JI that one card should be kept idle which will help increase the score as it shows that one if capable of planing well.

Although the premium credit cards give more reward points, user should be aware that these cards come with Joining fees and annual fees ranging from Rs 250 to Rs 2000 per year + 12.36% tax.

I currently have a Citibank IOC titanium card that gives 4 reward points per Rs 150 spent (2.66 per 100), Kotak Trump card which gives 1.8% surcharge waiver on rail booking, ICICI debit card which gives 5 Payback points on online transactions ( Rs 1.25 per hundred) and ICICI credit card which gives 10 points per 100 for international transactions (Rs 2.50 per hundred). All these cards are free of joining fee and annual fee.

Thanks for sharing that Siva !

Ah, so for some transactions ICICI debit may come out better than credit cards due to payback.

Any card which gives benefits for International shopping?

I am not sure on that !

ICICI debit card and ICICI platinum credit card gives 10 payback points per 100 spent on international websites and abroad ie Rs2.50 per 100. But remember you pay a currency conversion fee of 3.5% and service tax which is about 3.87 per 100. But this fee is charged by almost all the banks while ICICI bank gives more benefit.

Thanks for the info Sivakumar.

And yes, since forex & ST is charged by all the cards, any return on those is a welcome addition. Will lookout for these cards. 🙂

There are several cards that offer a lower Foreign Currency Conversion charge, however most of them would fall in the premium to super premium category. I know for sure that HDFC Bank Regalia and Diners Black have a 2% charge compared to others at 3.5%. That makes it better than a cash back or points accrual.

I had both Kotak Trump & Manhattan Platinum., but Manhattan card had an annual fee of Rs.1000.

Thanks for sharing that Praveen .. Yes Manhattan card might be having a annual fees, but what matters is Are you getting enough value ? If you are able to save more than 5000 per year on that, then does the fees still matters ?

The annual fee of Manhattan Platinum can be “redeemed using Reward Points which you hold” in you account (Customer Care team itself saying many of the Manhattan users not aware of this Annual fee redemption using Reward points) . Last year it was 1000 points for annual fee of 999. Not sure about this year, but I got info that it will be around 2500 points.

Thanks for the info Sridhar 🙂

Excellent post…Manish…very useful!

Thanks Mahavir .. its a guest post actually 🙂

very interesting article. Have been doing most of this with one card “IndusInd Platinum” but the advantage of multiple cards is you get better savings provided you dont mind carrying so many cards and esuring its used for the right purpose.

one update, Kotak has stopped the “Trump Card” now and its replaced with “Delight card” which has an important catch that you need spend 10,000rs min in other categories before you can get cash back for the dining and movies.

Thanks for sharing that Ram 🙂 …

Very good comparison.

However, I would prefer to just keep one card and use it in emergency or where the merchant does not offer me discount on MRP and does not charge the additional 2% (branded goods and signature stores-which i visit ocassionally for some special product). Otherwise , these CC’s are huge money drainers. The word Burn Rate is aptly choosen in the article, if you are not careful they will burn a hole in the pocket. Used prudently and safely they definetly help you.

Obrigado pelas percepções.

Thanks for sharing what you feel about credit cards . I agree that if you cant handle credit cards, better not go this route 🙂

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Citibank Savings Account FAQs.

Will I get a debit card on opening a Savings Bank Account with Citibank?

Yes, you get a complimentary Citibank Platinum Debit card on opening a Savings Account with Citibank.

There are no withdrawal charges levied on ATM withdrawals made from your Citibank Savings Account.

Services like ATM withdrawals (in India and worldwide, subject to conditions), NEFT/RTGS transfers, cheque book re-order, issuance and cancellation of demand drafts, duplicate statement, etc., are some of the many services which can be availed free of any charge.

Yes, you get to enjoy never-expiring reward points on every spend. You earn 1 reward point for every Rs 100 spent on your card.

This Savings Account carries an interest rate of 4% per annum which is calculated on a daily basis; interest is payable on a half yearly basis.

You can change the nominee of your account by filling up the nomination form and mailing it to the NRI Service Center in your country of residence. You can also mail it to Citibank, N. A. Mail Room, No. 2, Club House Road, Chennai - 600 002. Tamil Nadu. Índia. If you are in the country, you can visit any branch of Citibank to change the nominee.

The process is the same as adding a nominee. You can change the nominee of your account by filling up the form to modify a nominee and mail it to the NRI Service Center in your country of residence. You can also mail it to Citibank, N. A. Mail Room, No. 2, Club House Road, Chennai - 600 002. Tamil Nadu. Índia. If you are in the country, you can visit any branch of Citibank to change the nominee.

To ensure mutual protection, representatives from Citibank in India will call you to confirm any requests made prior to carrying out the instructions. The bank will call you on the registered contact number. If you have not updated your latest contact information, then your request will not be confirmed and this can delay the execution of your instructions.

Your monthly statement will include all transactions made from your your Rupee Checking Account whether it is through your debit card, net banking, fund transfers or banking account. There will be no separate statement for debit card transactions.

Aviso Legal.

A exibição de quaisquer marcas registradas, nomes comerciais, logotipos e outros assuntos de propriedade intelectual pertencem aos seus respectivos proprietários de propriedade intelectual. A exibição de tal IP juntamente com as informações relacionadas ao produto não implica a parceria do BankBazaar com o proprietário da Propriedade Intelectual ou emissor / fabricante de tais produtos.

O GST de 18% é aplicável a todos os produtos e serviços bancários a partir de 1º de julho de 2017.

Indusind Bank Signature Exclusive Debit Card with 0% Markup Fee.

Are you a frequent foreign traveller or someone who spend a lot on USD, GBP, etc currencies from your debit/credit card? here comes a great news for you. Indusind Bank has recently launched a Signature debit card for Exclusive customers that has 0% Foreign currency Markup fee when you spend/withdraw money on your card on any foreign currency other than Indian rupee.

Indusind Bank Signature Exclusive Debit Card.

Markup Fee Waiver on Indusind Signature Exclusive Debit Card:

Generally, banks charge anywhere around 3.5%+Tax =

4% for cross currency payments while some premium credit cards has 2% markup fee . So using this debit card can save you around 4% of your foreign expenses.

Suppose you spend 1 Lakh on a Foreign trip , this card can help you save Rs.4,000 , on top of it, you can save additional 1.5% through reward points that you earn while you swipe your card. There is a certain cap for this reward points though. You can redeem these points for cash on your a/c.

Compared to a random Credit/Debit card, this Indusind Exclusive Signature debit card can help you save around 5% overall including markup fee savings + reward points when u spend around 1Lakh. That’s Rs.5,000 in savings. Worth it right?

Indusind Exclusive Signature Debit Card Features:

0% Markup fee on Foreign currency expenses 0% Markup fee on Foreign currency Cash Withdrawal. Rs.0 Cash Withdrawal Charge (Though, ATM’s in some countries may have ATM usage charge of.

Rs.150 per withdrawal) Better value back with reward points 2 Complimentary lounge access per Quarter to Visa Lounges in India (Visa Signature Privilege) CardExpert Rating: 5/5.

How to get Indusind Bank Exclusive Signature Debit Card:

Annual Fee: Rs.299+tax for exclusive customers.

Open an Exclusive Savings a/c by depositing 2 Lakhs and opt for this card, don’t forget to mention that you need this variant called – Signature Exclusive Debit Card .

Most of them in bank will be clueless as to what this product is all about. If so, talk to branch manager.

This card is a hidden Gem for those who spend a lot in foreign currency. I guess this variant was added to their system few months back and i’m unsure how long this gonna last. Indusind had similar feature on one of their credit card which they revoked now.

Hopefully, more banks come up with such 0% markup fee concepts in coming years. Or, if we have a bad time, this 0% markup fee benefit on this card can be expected to be revoked soon 😛

Important Information:

Visa Variant: I have the visa variant and it works flawlessly both offline and online on sites including Paypal and many others. I’ve also used it in 4 countries so far to withdraw cash and do POS spends. It all works perfect! Mastercard Variant: It seems Indusind currently having problems with Mastercard variant, especially with online Usage. Even though Mastercard conversation rates are better than visa, its better not to choose Mastercard variant at-least for now. Please find a detailed issue in the comment below. Thanks to Vishwanath for sharing his experience!

Credit Cards with Low Foreign currency markup fee:

Whatsoever, remember that this is a debit card. If you’re looking for a “credit card” with low foreign currency markup fee, have a look at these cards that has the lowest foreign currency markup fee of 2%

What do you think about this simple tip that can save you a lot of money on foreign trips/expenses? Share your Views in comments below 🙂

Um freak de cartão de crédito e recompensa por anos, começou a adicionar Airmiles nos últimos tempos. Obcecado com a aviação, lounges de aeroportos e viagens de luxo a um custo acessível.

124 thoughts on “ Indusind Bank Signature Exclusive Debit Card with 0% Markup Fee ”

While 0% mark up is a good bait, one shouldn’t forget that banks charge varying exchange rate, which can be anywhere up from 1% to 4% of the normal exchange price.

Kapil, Yes, that’s around 1% i’ve seen. I’ve compared by charging HDFC Credit Card & Indusind debit card at same time and there is no big difference in exchange rate 🙂

Citi Prestige with its regular 3.5% markup on foreign currency transaction with its 2 Prestige Points (8 miles) per 100 spent is still a better deal IMO than the HDFC 2% fee..

Verdade. But it has high joining fee. Probably most Visa infinite Cards should be good to be compared as well 🙂

Thanks for the post Sid.

But it would be a great feature if they include it in some of credit cards by other banks too. As you told, mostly all banks including American Express charges 3.5% + service tax (excluding the exchange rate spread value charged by banks and payment gateways) on foreign transactions. I would say the HDFC cards that you mentioned in the post would attract 2.3% cross currency markup including the service tax as of now but it is not easily obtaining by a person who is new to the bank without any high value assets or HNI tag.

CC Industry is evolving fast in India, we can expect 0% markup fee on credits cards soon, likely with Amex as they already have such offers in other countries like USA.

which one is preferable this debit card or forex card i. e. SBI Travel card in US? My friends brother in US and my fried loads his forex card from SBI.

This Debit card obviously is best comapred to Forex cards/cash. Its a premium debit card with unmatched features. You don’t need to load/unload money and loose some $$ while doing so on forex cards.

thanks to u for such a beautiful guide. can u say if i gone to europe with this debit card in various hotel and shop..will somebody tell yr card is not working or not valid….. all are saying that amex will best in europe… can i use my any national bank debit card there (hotel and shopping mall) with a safety….you plse through some blog about how to use the credit card and debit card in a secured way in various places. as we the common people are very much anxious about the fraud activity of these card…..

Any card will be good as long as its on Visa/Mastercard.

Now the problem comes when the banks block your card (thinking its being misused) and you maynot be able to attend the call due to sky high roaming charges.

This is why Amex is great as they can send a new card almost anywhere if misused, etc.

Still its good to carry 2 or 3 cards when you goto foreign countries in different network like visa/Mastercard. So you’ll have backup.

The card looks beautiful. Is that really a matt finish or the image couldn’t capture the gloss?

Gold part is highly glossy, the black part is kind of matte finish type. Its a mix of both 🙂

So I can get this card by starting a savings account of 1L, right? but after receiving the card if the account value goes below 1L, what will happen?

Its fine to go lower than 1L for a week or so.

But if balance not maintained, they will put AQB non-maintenance charge and the card will also be charged separately.

Basically all unwanted headaches 😀

New sbi signature debit card is launched? Saw that in bookmyshow. But couldn’t find in the sbi website.

Hello Siddharth. Hope you are doing great. I was pretty confused with Indus select and Indus exclusive as i am staying in Poland and my parents would send me monthly expenses and fees. What would be the joining fee, annual fee and issuance fee for platinum and signature cards. I am currently using a corp debit card which has all the charges in it while withdrawing cash from ATM. Qualquer ajuda seria apreciada. Desde já, obrigado !

Exclusive a/c Min Balance: 1L.

Exclusive Platinum Debit Card: free with Exc. A/c.

Exclusive Signature Debit Card: Rs.299+tax.

Thanks a lot for the clarification. It helped a lot indeed. Good day and take care.

Hi, I just opened an indusInd Select account. On the website it is written 0% fee for foriegn markup, so will i recieve the same 0% fee if i buy thing online in USD?

Did you get the Select account kit? How many days it took to open Select account? and is markup fee 0% as mentioned in their website? Desde já, obrigado !

Great article and very useful indeed. I am not sure if the terms have changed recently, but I notice on Indusind website for Select account, minimum balance is 50000 and there is 0 markup with the Select Debit card (No mark-up charges on foreign currency transactions done through Select Debit Card at ATMs/ Merchant outlets.). It is not clear if this is with the Platinium Select card (which is free) or the Signature Select card (which is chargeable at INR 500 per year).

Similarly for Exclusive the statement is a bit different not sure if it really means different (Cross Currency Mark Up fee waived off for Signature Exclusive Debit Card and 1% on Platinum Exclusive Debit Card and for International Merchant purchases and International ATM withdrawals.). UMA.

As your rightly said the banks are clueless about this and am not getting consistent response. Lastly how do we ensure they charge us the right currency conversion. I deal a lot with forex in business banking and I know they are not very transparent in the rates applied and had to literally fight to get an online based rate booking.

Thanks for the post, really helpful. I am going to Dubai in Jan end. So was looking for Forex card so i had couple of Questions on this:-

1. My expenses might be around 1-2L (Family of 5 are going, mostly ladies :-)). So is it advisable to take Forex or this?

2. I might not end up buying much if the dont like, so will be encashing forex card on reutrn if so – Will forex card still be good?

3. Will they quickly open the account? As time contraint is there and i dont want my funds blocked.

Why do you want to have forex card while you can get everything done along with rewards using this debit card?

Since you mentioned that the difference in bank rates are normally 1%.. Wouldnt that be huge if i really end up buying so much?

No, it doesn’t matter much. Even if matters, we can’t do anything about it.

We can never buy forex as its exact value as on XE 🙂

That being said, this card is the best i’ve ever seen.

Thanks a lot Siddharth, I applied for one today and as you mentioned bank was bit unaware of this card and i had to press for the same. Bank Manager was intrigued about learning about this blog, and he opened this in front of me for reading review. Hope more get to see your great blogs.

Sounds great. Glad that bank managers are reading the reviews of their own product 🙂

Hello Abhishek did you get the welcome kit already? i have applied on 26th december, completed all formalities (without doorstep banking) cheque was encashed yesterday. No response yet from them. How long does it take to get debit card and get account activated?

Any difference between the Exclusive and Select savings account?

For Select savings account I could see the below:

“No mark-up charges on foreign currency transactions done through Select Debit Card at ATMs/ Merchant outlets.”.

1. Only 50,000 relationship value for the IndusInd Select account.

2. This is the default card so no need to pay for the debit card charges as well.

3. BMS show offer is also there.

We would only miss the Visa Lounge access.

DId I miss anything?

It was there earlier on select variant. But not now i believe. Check their debit card charges file for the updated info.

Actually for updated version you should check their premium banking section as well as schedule of charges on the bottom of their website. 2% markup for platinum and 1% for signature card for select account.

Not true Shafwan. I received their signature exclusive debit card on 23 Jan and it is mentioned on the doc that forex mark up fee is 0%.

You are right Kapil. But i was talking about Select account not exclusive. I hold an exclusive card myself which has 0% markup fee 🙂

Is Markup Fee also applied when you make online purchases on Foreign stores while being in India? Por favor deixe-me saber. Obrigado!

Sim. levied on any currency other than home currency, INR.

Any idea what would be the markup fees for ICICI Coral business debit card? I have already made 15 lakhs worth of international transactions this year and switching to this card can benefit in a good way. O que você acha?

Ofcourse, switching will save you a whooping Rs.60,000 minimum on 15L spend 🙂

Used this card for my Forex – Foreign Exchange was charged at Bank Interchange rate which is very good. One can withdraw money also and save! Since i took cash in dirhams which was 50 paisa more and including service tax costed me around 1600 more for 3000 dirhams. If one withdraws, i could have saved this as per withdrawal charges it will be 2 dollars maybe.

Points redemption is also very good – I got aprrox 2k for spending at best forex rates of around 90k.

Siddharth, i was charged some weird TIPS Surcharge on 2-3 transactions , Bank is telling it will be reverted and i think they are unaware what it is. Did you come across this?

Yes, i’m aware of this Surcharge.

I escalated, but no one has any info on this and they never got refunded either.

Its too low (usually 2 digits) that i never mind about it after that.

Maybe this is charged due to the fluctuations on forex rates.

I found a similar card in Indusind which is as good as or equally good as Indusind Exclusive Signature. The World Select debit card (Mastercard version) for Select account in which the mark up fee is 1.15% to be precise but this 1% could be saved by Mastercard exchange rates which are usually better than Visa exchange rates by 1%. So the benefit is you do not have to open an Exclusive account to avail this offer but Select account with World Select debit card would be beneficial. Main benefit is for someone who cannot maintain 1L per quarter but can maintain 50k per quarter. Sounds like a good deal, doesn’t it?

Yes, its good indeed.

I recently received the same World Select Debit Card (Mastercard version). Wanted to know more about how the exchange rates are actually better than Select Exclusive Debit Card. Would be a great help. Obrigado.

I got my account opened. I usually spend 4000$ to 6000$ per month to pay for a few online services and this card has indeed helped me save a lot of money in the account opening month itself. I also noted the exchange rate charged by IndusInd was at par with was published on xe which is very rare to find as I have used HDFC/ ICICI / Amex / Yes Bank / SBI cards and almost other banks but never have been able to get a rate that matches xe.

You surely helped me save a large amount of money. Thanks a tonn!!

Yes indeed. Glad that i was able to help 🙂

Hello Siddharth ji.

Well recently one of my cousin opened a NRI account with IndusInd Bank and he was offered this Signature Debit Card… but the Joining fees was like a Bomb 🙂

Three different Joining fees.

1. 5000/- plus taxes.

2. 7500/- plus Taxes.

3. 10000/- Plus Taxes.

so i asked him to send me the comparative or feature chart for all this…

hardly any difference… except the free vouchers from some brands…

But no where they mentioned whether the free Airport lounges is Domestic or International as well.. Nor they mentioned about any Priority Pass…. so little confused about it… (whereas the Bank representative said this card allows free access even at Dubai Airport)

So dont know why did she mentioned particularly DUBAI… maybe not every card gives free access to Dubai Airport?

So thought maybe you can give some idea about it.

Do they provide Priority Pass along with Signature Debit Card ? or the Card itself has feature for free Airport Lounges ? And does this card has free access at International Airport Lounges ?

Thank you for help.

Looks like you’re bit confused about credit/debit card.

1. Priority pass is never issued on a debit card. She might have got confused with signature “credit” cartão.

2. No such special dubai access. Visa gives access to a set of domestic lounges with Visa Signature Lounge access Program.

3. This signature card is different from the usual signature card. You need to have an Exclusive ac to get this.

My local branch manager says they do not have exclusive saving account and says it is only available in select branches. He offered a select savings account which also gives select signature visa debit card and the fees is 499, is the same one.

Yes, you might need to change the branch.

So can I transfer 40k rupees to another account and still get these points?

It has to be Debit card retail spend.

Hi Siddharth, it says for “swipe transactions”. Do we get points with online spends on this debit card? or just the swipe transactions.

I was going through the website and it says “Maximum points in a month will be capped at 2000 points” Can you please check and update the same.

Yes, for Plat cards its 2k, for signature its 3k.

Can this card be used to fund another account and earn points from these transactions?

Fund other ac? Like?

Again, Indus Exclusive account and SIGNATURE EXCLUSIVE debit card – Are they available for NRO/NRE type of accounts?

Indusind have increased minimum AMB to 200,000 for Exclusive Savings Account wef May 2017.

Noticed a while back. Sad part!

That’s a ton of information over here from your blog post + comments. Muito obrigado.

As you said, does the points get capped at 3k points?

So it’s better to opt for a credit card if you’re spending over a lakh/month?

Yes, there is a cap. Obviously, you can get a CC to get more points on your spends.

Visa Signature cards usually offer free lounge access international as well. Does this apply to this card or its only domestic use for lounges.

Its only for Domestic AFAIK.

I have heard icici coral platinum debit card also does not charge foreign currency markup for current or saving account can someone verify this information for me please.

Thanks a lot for this information and your information has been extremely helpful for me!

See what I did after following your information 🙂 –

Firstly, I opened 2 HDFC Savings account where in I have to keep a min. balance of 10K and 25K respectively. For this I’ve got 2 cards and I can earn 1500 cashback per month( 750*2 respectively). However from May 15 2017. they have limited the cashback to few merchants only 🙁

Secondly, I opened my Indusind exclusive account with signature card on May 5th 2017 (thankfully they had 1L min balance then) This account offers me 1500 Rs cashback every month and they have pretty good customer service too.

So overall, I could save about 36,000 Rs a year because of you. Thank you so much for all the information SID! You rock. If possible I would like to personally meet you personally in bangalore.

Fico feliz em ouvir isso. Happy that i was able to help you save a good money 🙂

Lets see, i’m visiting Bangalore quite rarely these days.

I spent $1500/day for trading purpose and every night I would look at my statements and wish if HDFC had reduced the 3.5 Markup Fees. They take half of my profits.

Last week I googled for a solution and ended up here. Very next day I went to the branch, and like someone has already mentioned above – not all branches have exclusive accounts. My nearby branch don’t. But I spoke to the manager, told him about your blog and how much I’m affected by HDFC rates. He called his boss immediately and took the permission to open an exclusive account. Hence I became the first exclusive account holder of that branch! 😀

I’ll get my card in a week. And hopefully it gonna double my profits. Thank you SID for all the info. 🙂

Just one question – you have mentioned above that the there is no big difference in the rates charged by HDFC and IndusInd. May I ask you what exactly is the difference? HDFC charged me around 64.5 INR/USD today morning.

Obrigado mais uma vez! 🙂

In your experience, does Visa or Mastercard have more favorable exchange rate for spending overseas? That will decide which card I use for international transactions.

I will highly appreciate if anyone using this card can tell me if the exchange rates are as per XE rates? My present card is providing me with at or below XE rates so Im wondering if it will be worth it going for this card? Im a heavy international spender.

Its few decimals higher than XE rates.

May i know which card you refer to that gives below XE rates?

I compared HDFC Infinia(Visa Infinite) with Yes bank First Exclusive card(Mastercard world) and Mastercard was cheaper. I made 2 international transactions at same time.

Hello, Siddharth, I’m a Citi Gold customer, the default Mastercard Debit attached to my account gives me below XE rates. If you can look up on XE, today 1EUR is 73.7 INR but I have been getting 73.24 with my card since morning, about the same difference applies every day. If I understand you correctly the Indusind signature card is always above XE rates? If Yes then can you give me an example?

Sounds good. Yes, Mastercard has the lowest rate AFAIK.

Xe value for $: Rs.66.4.

Indus sign Charged: Rs.66.7.

I did this experiment couple of months back.

I’ve scheduled a detail article on this as well. Should be up in few days 🙂

And how much was the tips surcharge? Add that too.

Hello John, this is because mastercard rates are always better than Visa and almost similar to that on Xe. Check out mastercard currency converter and Visa currency converter of each day and you will find Visa rates are always higher than Mastercard. Also banks do not have anything to do with exchange rates. Visa rates are updated at 3:30 am IST and Mastercard rates are updated 11:30 pm IST.

That will be a true comparison in my opinion. Offers aside, it’s important to know the real exchange rates charged by the bank. Thanks for the example!

Please let me know what is the mark up fee for ICICI coral Debit card.

Hi Siddharth, IndusInd appears to offer three cards for the Exclusive Account Status: (1) Visa Platinum Exclusive, (2) Visa Signature, and (3) MasterCard World Exclusive Card. Of these three products, which do you think will provide the best benefits for overseas ATM and POS transactions?

I visited the branch today, and they aren’t very sure. They’re running around to get me some answers this week. But would you know?

2/3 are same. 3 is better due to MC.

Is this card a better option for using money abroad on a world tour or a forex card from private vendors like book my forex is better. Both are having 0% currency conversion charges. And now indusind is not giving cashbacks too on points earned on debit card. Only rewards from catalogue which isnt useful .

Great article, also the comment section is really helpful.

I have a question, how does this it compare with Jet Airways American Express® Platinum Credit Card. I will be doing a lot of international transactions(2500 USD and other currencies) and would love to get travel benefits.

Amazing article. Have been looking for a card with 0% markup and found one through your article. Would help me a lot as I travel to many countries which do not use the popular currencies offered by Forex cards. Obrigado! I just hope they continue to offer this benefit.

By the way, my experience with Indus Ind has been great – everything happened sitting at home, and the Relationship Manager visited me twice – which is a big luxury in Bangalore traffic. They really pamper Exclusive customers. And it’s also great that they have a dedicated customer care for exclusive account which connects you to a human being pretty quick instead of minutes of pressing buttons and being on hold. And things like cash delivery at home, cheque pick up etc. just for a AQB of 2 lac is unbelievable !

Seems Indusind has stopped cash redemption of reward points on their debit cards. Sad, as I was consistently making Rs. 1500 per month from this debit card.

Now their reward redemption page redirects to a coupons website which isn’t even ready for debit card, it seems, as it only asks for your credit card number to login. Further, the redemption options are ridiculous.

Can I get debit card rewards/cashback when I pay my credit card dues with with debit card at billdesk.

Or it defers from card to card? Or there is a better option?

If yes, on any particular card, please let us know and any suggestion which debit card is the best for cash back?

Well, seems the freebies be over 1 Oct 2017 onwards. The accumulation of 2-6 reward points per Rs. 100 against various spend slabs has been modified to Rs. 200, which means the spends need to be doubled to get the same value.

My recent account statement carried this bad news, along with another that the value per point would also be revised (the website/statement doesn’t mention by how much). Note that the current value of Rs. 0.50 per point is already auto devalued by considering the fact that the website doesn’t allow cash redemption anymore, and the limited options of gift vouchers are also available mostly against 2082 points per Rs. 1000 voucher, and not 2000 points as one would !

Whatever point devaluation happens, would also apply to points accrued upto 30 Sep, so high time to redeem them. There also Indusind has built a rat trap, by allowing only max 5000 points to be redeemed in a calendar month now.

With min balance requirement already doubled to 2L from 1L, a paltry interest rate of 4%, and TIPS surcharges on foreign currency transaction ( making the overall transaction.

0.7% expensive than XE official rate), I guess it’s time to bid goodbye to indusind bank exclusive account, and perhaps trade it against some of their modest account without the AMB requirements.

Really you have posted a highly impressive information , actually I m planning to travel dubai next month for a family vacation , so which card , you will prefer to me , as I have a mind to enjoy with around 5 lac approx and the card should also have facility to withdraw cash also from the ATM Counters .

I need AED in the card , waiting for your reply.

Go for Indus Exclusive World Debit card (Mastercard ) .

Previously i was using Signature for overseas withdrawls and POS transactions here in Poland. Later i switched to Mastercard and i am saving more than Visa. MC rates are always better and same like Xe.

Here it is claimed that MasterCard variant has better exchange rate than visa variant. A research on this, which proves it, will help.

I am ready to do a sample transaction on ali express with my visa variant. If someone with MC variant can do it simultaneously, we can compare.

I just opened an exclusive savings account with 2L as balance, still, it didn’t allow on Paypal. Upon contacting customer service, I was told “Paypal is a suspicious site and hence transactions are not allowed” …insane….gonna close the account. Have this 2L deposited on FD yielding 9% interest …I can get 18K per annum which is more sufficient to cover the FCY Markup Fee 🙂

When txn gets rejected, keep trying. You’ll get call from monitoring team, just ask them to approve. I had similar issue but got solved.

Are you suing the VISA variant or the Mastercard variant. Did it get resolved for you ?

My entire family has grouped exclusive accounts with Indusind. I had the free Platinum Exclusive Card till now , while the others had the Signature at 299 a year. While upgrading, I ended up getting the World Exclusive MC instead, which has just arrived today. The benefits looked similar, but the longer list of lounges from MC was tempting. I use a basic LTF Credit Card, with no free access (Priority Pass but paid entry)

Thanks alot for educating people like me 🙂 . I got a question – can i use this debit card or any other debit card for trading in foriegn exchanges ( like future markets of America ) .

Some future market dealers allows Visa/Mastercard to deposit funds and then we can use those funds to trade the futures internationally . Your inputs are much appreciated . Obrigado.

This maybe risky, you might need to check with the foreign txn limits and your auditor.

As usual a great article! Mantem. Do you know any other debit cards from other banks with 0 % mark up fee? It’d be great if you could list those out.

Also, I’d love to see an article from you on saving tips / best practices with credit / debit cards for frequent travellers!

And I just started following you on twitter as well. 🙂

No other bank waives off markup fee. Idfc -2%

The card isn’t working for online debit card transactions at foreign websites, I’m redirected to mastercard secure code but then after entering the otp it says transaction declied by the bank and the customer care says they don’t support MOTO transactions.

i am facing the same problem. Admin pls check if this issue is only for mastercard. WIll the problem be fixed if i switch to visa signature card?

O mesmo aqui. Mastercard version. Doesnot work on any website .

Did you switch to VISA ? is the issue resolved ?

Just a few doubts.

1. Select account can only get select cards and only exclusive accounts will get exclusive card, right?

2. If I am only interested in domestic lounge access through their debit card – Is there any benefit in opening exclusive account over select account? (both select and exclusive card seems to offer 2 visits/qrtr)

3. For the same purpose would the World Select/Exclusive MC debit card be more useful than Signature Select/Exclusive VISA debit card.

Desde já, obrigado.

Hi Siddharth, can you plz confirm if signature exclusive visa card works on foreign websites, I’ve given appointment to the executive & don’t want to open exclusive account if it doesn’t work online. Plz reply asap. Tia.

They have started issuing World MasterCard for exclusive customers. I had tried using it on PoS in Vietnam and I am getting good rates. In addition to that, I got 5% cashback on my spending on food/ beverages. ATM pull was also offered very good exchange rate.

I just received and activated my world select master card i try adding it on paypal but it shows the error “the card was declined by the bank” and i tried to pay on some websites in USD i was redirected o the.

OTP page after that it shows the same error “the card was declined by the bank” , my card it activated for international transactions is is in ACTIVE state , i tried to get in touch with the customer support they have no clue about it they are just just saying that “card is activated for international use and says try contacting paypal or other websites”, any information regarding this will be helpful and my Axis and Kodak card works fine on those websites and on paypal.

And the card works fine for INR transactions.

Agradecemos antecipadamente 🙂

Same situation here. Mastercard Exclusive card is not working at all. But 1 thing I noticed is the “International limit” is set to 0 Rs. by default and therefore it will be declined by default. Try logging into netbanking or Mobile banking and increase it to maximum and , wait for the request to resolve and then try again. For me it is not even taking me to OTP page. It is just rejecting it directly. Which websites did you try that take you to the OTP page ?

Thanks for this blog Siddharth.

Based on current reviews, I will go for the World Exclusive Mastercard debit card.

I opted for the Mastercard variant (World exclusive debit card) very recently and I am unable to use it anywhere international online including paypal, amazon and google wallet. Could you please confirm if the VISA version (Signature Exclusive) is working on Paypal now and other international sites so that I can cancel this card and apply for that instead. It will be 300+300 loss for me and I don’t want to waste that money if the VISA card is also not working.

I am facing the same problem. Please look into the matter and update your article as some of us mostly want to open the account for 0% markup fee on international online transactions.

I had long ago deleted my IndusInd Exclusive Visa Signature card from my PayPal account. Considering your case, I tried adding the card back to my PayPal account. It went through flawlessly. I was charged Rs 2 as authentication charge which I am sure will be reversed by PayPal. I also tried adding it on my google play store. It went through successfully there too. I was charged Rs 50 as authentication charge by Google which I am sure shall be reversed too. Hence, I can confirm that VISA Exclusive Signature Card from IndusInd Bank is working on PayPal and Google Play/Google Wallet. And since that is the case, hence, it should work on other foreign platforms as well.

Thanks a lot for confirming this. I am going to cancel the Master Card and order a VISA card. Depending on whether my VISA card will work, It can be one of two things now –

1. Only VISA cards are working and MC is not.

2. Old cards are working and new cards will not work.

Regardless, and I will update you on the result.

My request to you is to update the article with the information once I check with the VISA card, because a lot of people are opting for this just for the forex situation and THIS INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT AS 2 lacs to open the account is not cheap.

Yeah may be VISA varient work but my world select MC is not at all working with PayPal, Skrill and Google wallet even my transaction limit is set to 3 lakhs and on cheaking with customer support the card is activated for international transactions but it is still not working on PayPal may be VISA varient of it work going to order a new card I’ll update everyone about the Same and anyone gets it earlier then me please update about the same.

I have had a 2 week long conversation with multiple escalations and reached out to multiple teams including payment team in Indus. They take my complaint very seriously as I was an “Exclusive” customer. Other banks including HDFC don’t care soo much, even though you are a “Preferred Banking” customer.

Here is what they told me. For each transaction they receive a “Merchant code”. And based on the merchant code they classify the transaction. And currently any international merchant which can accept payment without OTP (Mastercard Securecode) will give out a transaction merchant code which they are for some stupid reason classifying as a Mail Order / Telephone Order(MOTO) transaction instead of an online transaction. And since MOTO transactions are blocked these transactions are not going through. They did acknowledge that these websites are not MOTO and that they are “working” on changing the classification. I highly doubt they will or even if they do , I think it will take several months.

So, I just ordered a VISA variant and it will arrive in 4 days. I will update you as soon as I receive mine. You can order based on my result 🙂

Wonderful. Thanks for sharing wealth of information on this Indusind Exclusive Mastercard debit card issue.

Thank you will be waiting for your update 🙂

Visa version Confirmed as working 😀

Feel free to order yours. I am posting a detailed comment below.

I received my card today. I will get it activated tomorrow and post an update.

Please be VERY CAREFUL when ordering the debit card. If you choose the MasterCard version (MasterCard Exclusive World) it will NOT work. Like some of you I was trapped into choosing the MasterCard thinking that the lower conversion rates would somehow benefit me. The truth is it MASTERCARD WILL NOT WORK ON ANY INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE AT ALL.

As soon I discovered the issue, I started from customer support and escalated it to various levels reaching to different teams in Indus. If you are an exclusive customer, you get treated much better in customer support and you even have a separate phone number for exclusive customers with almost zero wait time. Basically they explained that –

For each transaction they receive a “Merchant code”. And based on the merchant code they classify the transaction. And currently any international merchant which can accept payment without OTP (Mastercard Securecode) will give out a transaction merchant code which they are for some stupid reason classifying as a Mail Order / Telephone Order(MOTO) transaction instead of an online transaction. And since MOTO transactions are blocked these transactions are not going through. They did acknowledge that these websites are not MOTO and that they are “working” on changing the classification. I highly doubt they will or even if they do , I think it will take several months.

So I just ordered the VISA variant and I can confirm that this one works absolutely fine and hassle free on paypal (asks for OTP) . PlayStore (asks for OTP) and websites like Steam (No OTP) , humblebundle (No OTP )and Amazon (No OTP). Since it works both WITH and WITHOUT OTP, it should work on all sites hasslefree.

The exchange rate was SHOCKINGLY LOWER than the price xe (356 charged vs 358.9 on XE) AND THERE WAS NO CONVERSION FEE on all my transactions.

The customer care support and the way they treat you as a customer was truly amazing and probably my best experience with any bank so far (including private banks like HDFC, Yes and ICICI ). I came to Indus for the Debit card, but I will stay here for the customer treatment. The personal Relationship Manager, Financial Advice and Wealth Management facility (although I don’t yet use any of these) is a big plus. All in all a good experience and an awesome card. Kudos to the Indus team.

I request the admin to update the article with this information as lot of people are being misguided to take the USELESS MASTERCARD. Please leave a warning for them to take the VISA card instead as it is working. The rest of the article was extremely helpful. Obrigado ! 🙂

Thanks for sharing about the issue with MC in detail. Post updated 🙂

I opted for a MC and facing the same issue as well. And the local IndusInd branch executive says that there is no option for a VISA card for Signature Exclusive. Could you please advise on how you managed to order the VISA variant.

You don’t need to go to the branch. Just call the customer care and ask them for re-issue and mention the card clearly as Signature Exclusive. Branch people might not be aware of it.

A big thanks man! Will be ordering the VISA varient tomorrow thanks a ton!

If open a joint account with my wife, on who’s name will this card be issued. I mainly want it so that my wife can also get lounge access.

Cartão de crédito.

Get credit cards that are best matched to your credit profile.

ICICI Bank Platinum Chip Credit Card.

Security of a chip card to protect against the risk of fraud Rewards powered by PAYBACK, redeemable for exciting gifts and vouchers 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver at HPCL pumps Minimum 15% savings on dining bills at over 800 restaurants across India through Culinary Treats Program Earn 2 PAYBACK points for every Rs.100/- spent for all retail purchases, except fuel.

APR - 40.8% p. a Joining fee - NIL (on spends of atleast 2,000 within 60 days or else 199/-) Annual fee - 99/- (Waived if spends exceed 50000/- in previous year)

Application form with 2 photographs ID proof (any one) - PAN, Passport, Driver's license, Voter ID Address proof (any one) - Passport, Utility bill, Aadhar, Driver's license, Lease agreement Salaried - Salary slip for 3 months Self employed - Office address proof, latest 3 months bank statement, audited financials for last 2 yrs and latest 6 months balance sheet.

Indusind Bank Platinum Aura Credit Card.

Per 100₹ spent on, Shopping in departmental stores - Get 4 savings points Purchase of consumer durables or electronic items – Get 2 savings points Restaurant bills – Get 1.5 savings points Books – Get 1.5 savings points All Other Spends – Get 0.5 savings points Redeem your Reward Points from The More Store, Cash Credit for 1 RP = INR 0.50, Airline Miles on partner airlines, Genesis Luxury Vouchers, Oberoi Hotels & Resorts Stay vouchers Fuel Surcharge waiver for transactions between INR 400 to 4000.

APR – 46% Annual fees - 0 Joining fees – 0.

Duly filled and Signed application Copy. KYC documents ( List attached) Address proof of latest address - In case permanent address proof provided as part of KYC address proof. Pay Slip of last three months Salary Bank account mandatory to be filled in application Copy.

SimplyCLICK SBI Credit Card.

Earn 10X rewards on online spends with exclusive partners - Amazon / BookMyShow / Cleartrip / Foodpanda / FabFurnish / Lenskart / OLA / Zoomcar Amazon. in Gift Card worth Rs.500 on joining Earn 5X rewards on all other online spends E-voucher worth Rs. 2,000 each on annual online spends of Rs. 1 Lakh & Rs. 2 Lakhs Annual fee reversal on annual spends of Rs. 1 lakh 2.5% Fuel surcharge waiver across all petrol pumps.

Annual fee (one time): Rs. 499 Renewal Fee (per annum): Rs. 499.

2 passport size color photos AID Proof(any one) - passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, PAN, Aadhaar card Address Proof (any one)- Passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, Aadhaar card, Electricity bill, Telephone bill, Postpaid mobile phone bill, Bank account/Post Office savings bank account statement Salaried - Latest 3 Months salary slip (or) Last 3 months' bank statements Self-employed - Last year ITR along with Bank Statement for last 3 months and Form 16.

RBL Titanium Delight Credit Card.

Grocery Transactions: 5% value back on grocery transactions on Wednesdays Free Movie Tickets: Free movie ticket every month for Wednesdays Reward points: 1000 Reward Points on spending Rs. 10,000 in 1st 60 days Pizza transactions 40 Reward Points / Rs. 100 on all Wednesday online Pizza transactions Others Reward points: 20 Reward Points / Rs. 100 on all Wednesday grocery transactions Accelerated Rewards: 1 Reward Points / Rs. 100 on all other transactions.

Joining fees – Rs 0/- Annual fees – Rs 0/-

Application form with 2 photographs ID proof – Any one (PAN Card, Driver license, Passport, Aadhaar card) Address proof – Any one (Passport, Driver license, Aadhaar card, Utility bills)

Yes Prosperity Rewards Plus Credit Card.

Best in class Interest Rates starting from 2.4% pm & Foreign Currency Markup of 3.4%. T&C Apply Upto 5 reward points for every Rs.100 spent. Reward points that never expire. Welcome benefit of 1,250 Reward Points on total spends of INR 5,000 or more within 30 days of card set-up Accelerated earn rate on your Birthday, Online, Dining and International Spends 12,000 Bonus Reward Points on spends of INR 3.6 Lakhs or more every anniversary year Fuel surcharge waiver at all fuel stations across India for transaction between INR 400 to INR 5,000.

Interest Rate (APR): 2.4% pm Processing Fee: NIL Joining Fees: NIL Annual Fees: NIL.

ID Proof - Pan Card/ Driving License/ Passport/ Voter ID card/ Aadhar card (with Photo)/ Letter issued by Unique Identification authority of India (with Photo)/ NREGA Card(with photo) Address Proof - Driving License/ Passport/ Voter ID card/ Aadhar card (with Address)/ Letter issued by Unique Identification authority of India (with Address)/ NREGA Card(with Address) Signature Proof - Pan card/ Driving License/ Passport/ NREGA Card(with Signature)

HDFC Moneyback Credit Card.

Fuel Surcharge Waiver capped at Rs. 250 every billing cycle (ST applicable). Redeem Reward points as Cash back on your MoneyBack Credit Card (100 Reward Points = Rs 40) 200% more Reward Points on all your online retail spends Zero Lost Card liability post reporting of the loss of card 2 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 you spend Rs 50,000 in 12 months for subsequent year fee waiver Spend Rs. 10,000 within first 90 days from card set up date and get waiver of 1st year membership fee.

APR - 40.8% p. a Annual Fees - Rs. 500/- Joining fees – Rs. 500 / -

Atleast 2 photos and signature bearing national identity cards Proof of address - Ration card, electricity bill etc. can be submitted PAN card, Form 16 and the Income Tax Returns Statement.

Citi Cash Back Credit Card.

Enjoy 5% cashback on movie ticket purchases, telephone bill payment and all types of utility bill payments through Citibank Online Bill Pay service Get 0.5% cashback on all your purchases Avail up to 15% off on dining across 2000 partnered restaurant Cashback of INR 500 is automatically credited to the statement Savings and offers on shopping across 100 plus stores Get EMI privileges on shopping, consumer electronics, mobile phone outlets, leading retail chains and e-retailers.

Rs.500.Annual Fee is billed in the first month statement of card issuance and incrementally every 12 months thereafter.

Atleast 2 colour photographs ID proof - Aadhar, Passport, Driving license, Voter ID etc Proof of address - Ration card, electricity bill etc. can be submitted.

HDFC Diners Club Rewards Credit Card.

Exclusive 24/7 Concierge Services on Your HDFC Bank Diners Club Credit Card. All your exclusive booking needs will be taken care by the concierge while you enjoy the exciting moments. Book Air Tickets / Hotels across 150+ Airlines and Choice of hotels (Domestic & International) at hdfcbankdinersclub and get 2X Reward Point Air accident cover up to Rs. 50 lakhs. Double Reward Points on Grocery, Supermarket purchases, Dining and Airline Ticketing. Double Reward Points on incremental retail spends greater than Rs.10000 Earn 3 reward points for every Rs. 150/- retail spends and 6 reward points for every Rs.150/- retail spends on hdfcbankdinersclub Rs 1 L in 12 months for subsequent year fee waiver Spend Rs. 15,000 within first 90 days from card set up date and get waiver of 1st year membership fee.

APR - 40.8% p. a Annual Fees - Rs. 1,000/- Joining fees – Rs. 1,000/-

Atleast 2 photos and signature bearing national identity cards Proof of address - Ration card, electricity bill etc. can be submitted PAN card, Form 16 and the Income Tax Returns Statement.

HDFC Jet Platinum - Credit Card.

Specific Reward - 3X JP miles for flights tickets booked on jetairways Welcome benefit of One Base Fare Waived Jet Airways Ticket and One Rs. 750 discount voucher for booking return ticket online on Jet Airways website Welcome benefit of upto 4000 Bonus JP Miles for first year (2000 Bonus JPMiles on first swipe of card & 2000 Bonus JPMiles on spending Rs. 50000 – both within 90 days of card issuance) Renewal benefit of 2000 Bonus JPMiles on your first swipe of card within 90 days of renewal date Earn 5 JPMiles on Rs. 150 spends and 15 JPMiles on booking flight tickets on Jet Airways or Jet Konnect website 5% discount on booking domestic or international ticket on Jet Airways or Jet Konnect website Rs 2.5 L in 12 months for subsequent year fee waiver.

APR: 39% p. a Annual fees - Rs. 1,000/- Joining fees – Rs. 1,000/-

At least 2 photos ID proof - Signature bearing national identity cards Address proof – Ration card, Electricity bill etc. PAN card, Form 16 and the Income Tax Returns Statement.

HDFC Snapdeal - Credit Card.

Redeem your Reward points against Snapdeal vouchers for Online Shopping 10% CashBack on FreeCharge 5% CashBack on Ola Rs. 1000 Instant CashBack on Cleartrip Fuel Surcharge Waiver capped at Rs. 250 every billing cycle (ST applicable) Rs 1.5 L in 12 months for subsequent year fee waiver.

APR - 40.8% p. a Annual Fees - Rs. 500/- Joining fees – Rs. 500 / -

At least 2 photos ID proof (any one) – Signature bearing national identity cards Address proof (any one) – Ration card, Electricity bill PAN card, Form 16 and the Income Tax Returns Statement.

HDFC Diners Club Platinum Credit Card.

Five Complimentary accesses to 500+ Lounges worldwide in a calendar year. Unlimited Complimentary access to 25+ lounges across domestic Airports in India Access unique, luxury stay experiences with Small Luxury Hotels of the World with special offers from Taj Group of Hotels. Unparalleled protection with air accident cover up to Rs. 1 crore, Overseas emergency hospitalization cover of Rs. 25 lakh and Rs. 50,000/- travel insurance on baggage delay / loss Earn 4 reward points for every Rs. 150/- retail spends and 8 reward points for every Rs.150/- retail spends on hdfcbankdinersclub.

APR - 39% p. a Annual fee - Nil (if applied online)

Atleast 2 photos and signature bearing national identity cards Proof of address - Ration card, electricity bill etc. can be submitted PAN card, Form 16 and the Income Tax Returns Statement.

HDFC Solitare Credit Card.

Get Rs. 1,000 Shoppers Stop vouchers on Rs. 75,000 spends every 6 months. Enjoy shopping with Shoppers Stop vouchers of total worth Rs. 2,000 every year. Earn a CashBack of more than Rs. 4,000 on RP accumulated by spending Rs. 5 lakh on your card. Save Rs. 1,500 in a year on your fuel transactions 3 Reward Points on Rs. 150 spent. 50% more Reward Points on dining and grocery spends.

Annual fee - Nil (if applied online)

Atleast 2 photos and signature bearing national identity cards Proof of address - Ration card, electricity bill etc. can be submitted PAN card, Form 16 and the Income Tax Returns Statement.

HDFC VISA Regalia Credit Card.

Get a complimentary Priority Pass Membership for preferential and free access to 600 airport lounges around the world. Enjoy a complimentary Taj Epicure Plus Membership Card that entitles you to some very exquisite benefits* at Taj Hotels and Resorts. Reward Points each time you stay, 10% discount on the rack rate at Taj Leisure Hotels in India, 10% discount on telephone and fax usage charges, 15% discount on laundry and 20% discount on business centre services. Unparalleled protection with air accident cover up to Rs. 1 crore and overseas emergency hospitalization cover of Rs. 12 lakh Earn 8 reward points on all purchases at hdfcbankregalia and 6 reward points for every Rs.150/- dining spends and 4 reward points for every Rs. 150/- other spends.

APR - 23.88% p. a.

Atleast 2 photos and signature bearing national identity cards Proof of address - Ration card, electricity bill etc. can be submitted PAN card, Form 16 and the Income Tax Returns Statement.

HDFC Diners Premium Credit Card Features.

HDFC Platinum Times Credit Card.

HDFC Regalia First Credit Card.

Cartão de Crédito SBI Elite.

Welcome e-gift voucher worth Rs. 5,000 2 complimentary movie tickets worth Rs. 500 every month at bookmyshow Upto 50,000 Bonus Reward Points on annual spends Spend Based Reversal on Annual Fee on spends of Rs. 10 Lakhs Lounge access at over 850 airports worldwide 24/7 Concierge Service for a host of services and exciting offers on various privileges.

Annual fee (one time): Rs. 4999 Renewal Fee (per annum): Rs. 4999.

2 passport size color photos AID Proof(any one) - passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, PAN, Aadhaar card Address Proof (any one)- Passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, Aadhaar card, Electricity bill, Telephone bill, Postpaid mobile phone bill, Bank account/Post Office savings bank account statement Salaried - Latest 3 Months salary slip (or) Last 3 months' bank statements Self-employed - Last year ITR along with Bank Statement for last 3 months and Form 16.

Yes Prosperity Edge Credit Card.

Best in class Interest Rates starting from 2.4% pm & Foreign Currency Markup of 3%. T&C Apply Upto 6 reward points for every Rs.100 spent. Reward points that never expire. Welcome benefit of 1,500 Reward Points on total spends of INR 7,500 or more within 30 days of card set-up Complimentary Priority Pass Membership and Domestic Lounge Access Accelerated earn rate on your Birthday, Online, Dining and International Spends Redeem Reward Point for Airline Ticket / Hotel Booking or Movie Tickets booking on Dedicated Rewards Redemption Portal 15,000 Bonus Reward Points on spends of INR 6 Lakhs or more every anniversary year Fuel surcharge waiver at all fuel stations across India for transaction between INR 400 to INR 5,000.

Interest Rate (APR): 2.4% pm Processing Fee: NIL Joining Fees: NIL Annual Fees: NIL.

ID Proof - Pan Card/ Driving License/ Passport/ Voter ID card/ Aadhar card (with Photo)/ Letter issued by Unique Identification authority of India (with Photo)/ NREGA Card(with photo) Address Proof - Driving License/ Passport/ Voter ID card/ Aadhar card (with Address)/ Letter issued by Unique Identification authority of India (with Address)/ NREGA Card(with Address) Signature Proof - Pan card/ Driving License/ Passport/ NREGA Card(with Signature)

Air India SBI Platinum Credit Card.

Welcome gift of 5000 Rewards Points* Rs.100 spent on Air India tickets = 10 Reward Points* Card Anniversary gift of 2,000 Reward Points*, every year Upto 15,000 Bonus Reward Points* on annual spends of Rs.2 lakh & above 1 Reward Point*=1 Air India Air Mile for Free Travel.

Annual fee (one time): Rs. 1499 Renewal Fee (per annum): Rs. 1499.

2 passport size color photos AID Proof(any one) - passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, PAN, Aadhaar card Address Proof (any one)- Passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, Aadhaar card, Electricity bill, Telephone bill, Postpaid mobile phone bill, Bank account/Post Office savings bank account statement Salaried - Latest 3 Months salary slip (or) Last 3 months' bank statements Self-employed - Last year ITR along with Bank Statement for last 3 months and Form 16.

Yes First Preferred Credit Card.

Best Interest Rates starting from 1.2% pm & Foreign Currency Markup of 1.75%. T&C Apply 8 reward points for every Rs.100 spent. Reward points that never expire. Complimentary Lounge Access with Priority Pass Membership & Domestic Lounge Access 20,000 Bonus Reward Points on spends of INR 7.5 Lakhs or more every anniversary year Redeem Reward Points for Airline Ticket / Hotel Booking or Movie Tickets booking on Dedicated Rewards Redemption Portal Exclusive Concierge Desk on your Card. Book your special requests on our YES Assist Concierge Services. Fuel surcharge waiver at all fuel stations across India for transaction between INR 400 to INR 5,000.

Interest Rate (APR): 1.2% pm Processing Fee:NIL Joining Fees: NIL Annual Fees: NIL.

ID Proof - Pan Card/ Driving License/ Passport/ Voter ID card/ Aadhar card (with Photo)/ Letter issued by Unique Identification authority of India (with Photo)/ NREGA Card(with photo) Address Proof - Driving License/ Passport/ Voter ID card/ Aadhar card (with Address)/ Letter issued by Unique Identification authority of India (with Address)/ NREGA Card(with Address) Signature Proof - Pan card/ Driving License/ Passport/ NREGA Card(with Signature)

HDFC Titanium Times Credit Card.

JetPrivilege HDFC Bank Diners Club Credit Card.

Jetprivilege HDFC Bank World Credit Card.

STYLEUP Contactless Credit Card.

Free Gift Voucher* worth Rs.500 redeemable on fashion at any Big Bazaar/fbb store 10X Rewards on all your dining spends Contactless Transactions. Simply wave your STYLEUP Contactless Card at a secure reader, & your transaction is done Lifetime Flat 10% Off on fbb merchandise 2.5% Value back on all spends at Big Bazaar, fbb & Food Bazaar store 2.5% Fuel surcharge waiver across all petrol pumps.

Annual fee (one time): Rs. 499 Renewal Fee (per annum): Rs. 499.

2 passport size color photos AID Proof(any one) - passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, PAN, Aadhaar card Address Proof (any one)- Passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, Aadhaar card, Electricity bill, Telephone bill, Postpaid mobile phone bill, Bank account/Post Office savings bank account statement Salaried - Latest 3 Months salary slip (or) Last 3 months' bank statements Self-employed - Last year ITR along with Bank Statement for last 3 months and Form 16.

IRCTC SBI Platinum Credit Card.

350 bonus Reward Points on spends of Rs.500 or more within 45 days of card issuance Upto 10% value back as Reward Points on buying train tickets at irctc. co. in for AC1, AC2 and AC CC categories. 1.8% transaction charge waiver every time you book your train tickets at irctc. co. in 1 Reward Point for every Rs. 125 spent on non-fuel purchases 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver across all petrol pumps in India Use your Reward Points to book free train tickets (1 Reward Point = 1 Rupee)

Annual fee (one time): Rs. 500 Renewal Fee (per annum): Rs. 300.

2 passport size color photos AID Proof(any one) - passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, PAN, Aadhaar card Address Proof (any one)- Passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, Aadhaar card, Electricity bill, Telephone bill, Postpaid mobile phone bill, Bank account/Post Office savings bank account statement Salaried - Latest 3 Months salary slip (or) Last 3 months' bank statements Self-employed - Last year ITR along with Bank Statement for last 3 months and Form 16.

Mumbai Metro SBI Credit Card.

Rs. 50 bonus preloaded for your Mumbai Metro travel Auto top up of Mumbai Metro wallet by Rs. 200 as soon as the balance reaches Rs. 50 Get 2000 Bonus reward points on spends of Rs. 2,000 within first 60 days 10X Rewards on Auto Top up spends.

Annual fee (one time): Rs. 499 Renewal Fee (per annum): Rs. 499.

SimplySAVE SBI Credit Card.

Enjoy 10X Reward Points on Dining, Grocery, & Movie spends 2,000 Bonus Reward Points on spends of Rs.2000 in first 60 days 2.5% Fuel surcharge waiver across all petrol pumps Annual Fee Reversal on spends of Rs.1,00,000 in a year.

Annual fee (one time): Rs. 499 Renewal Fee (per annum): Rs. 499.

2 passport size color photos AID Proof(any one) - passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, PAN, Aadhaar card Address Proof (any one)- Passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, Aadhaar card, Electricity bill, Telephone bill, Postpaid mobile phone bill, Bank account/Post Office savings bank account statement Salaried - Latest 3 Months salary slip (or) Last 3 months' bank statements Self-employed - Last year ITR along with Bank Statement for last 3 months and Form 16.

Yatra SBI Credit Card.

Welcome Gift of Rs. 8,250 worth Yatra vouchers on payment of joining fee Travel Benefits Domestic Flight bookings - ₹1000 off on total fare. Minimum booking amount of ₹5,000 International Flight bookings - ₹ 4000 off on total fare. Minimum booking amount of ₹ 40,000. Domestic Hotel bookings - Flat 20% off on Minimum booking amount of ₹3,000. Maximum discount of ₹2,000 on each transaction. Maximum 6 usages on any category, every calendar year. To Avail the Travel benefit, use Promo code ‘ TRAVEL’ at the time of booking. Promo code can be used maximum 6 times in every calendar year Get 6X Reward Points on every ₹ 100 spent at Departmental and grocery stores, Dining, Movies, Entertainment and International spends. Exclusive access to MasterCard airport lounges in India Get ₹ 50 lac Air Accidental death benefit for Primary cardholder when ticket is booked on Yatra using Yatra SBI Card. 1 Reward Point = ₹ 0.25 (Reward Points redeemable at Yatra) (Annual Renewal Fee waived off on annual spends of ₹ 90,000 in the last year) 1% fuel surcharge waiver at all petrol pumps.

Annual fee (one time): Rs. 499 Renewal Fee (per annum): Rs. 499.

2 passport size color photos AID Proof(any one) - passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, PAN, Aadhaar card Address Proof (any one)- Passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, Aadhaar card, Electricity bill, Telephone bill, Postpaid mobile phone bill, Bank account/Post Office savings bank account statement Salaried - Latest 3 Months salary slip (or) Last 3 months' bank statements Self-employed - Last year ITR along with Bank Statement for last 3 months and Form 16.

ICICI Bank HPCL Credit Card.

2.5% cashback (maximum of Rs.100 per month) on fuel purchases at HPCL pumps 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver (up to a maximum of Rs.4,000) at HPCL pumps Accelerated 2.5X Rewards, ie. on every Rs.100/- spent get 5 PAYBACK points on fuel spends at HPCL pumps & 2 PAYBACK points on all other spends Get Rs.100/- when you book movie tickets on bookmyshow (maximum twice a month) Minimum 15% savings on dining bills at over 800 restaurants across India through Culinary Treats Program.

APR - 40.8% p. a Joining fee - NIL (on spends of atleast 5,000 within 60 days or else 199/-) Annual fee - 199/- (Waived if spends exceed 50000/- in previous year)

Application form with 2 photographs ID proof (any one) - PAN, Passport, Driver's license, Voter ID Address proof (any one) - Passport, Utility bill, Aadhar, Driver's license, Lease agreement Salaried - Salary slip for 3 months Self employed - Office address proof, latest 3 months bank statement, audited financials for last 2 yrs and latest 6 months balance sheet.

ICICI Bank Coral Credit Card.

2X Cash rewards on dining, groceries and at supermarkets 2 complimentary domestic airport lounge visits per quarter 2 complimentary movies every month under the Buy One Get One offer through bookmyshow Minimum 15% savings on dining bills at over 800 restaurants across India through Culinary Treats Program Earn 4 PAYBACK points for every Rs.100/- spent on dining, groceries & shopping at supermarkets.

APR - 40.8% p. a Joining fee - 500 (on spends of atleast 1,000 within 60 days)

Application form with 2 photographs ID proof (any one) - PAN, Passport, Driver's license, Voter ID Address proof (any one) - Passport, Utility bill, Aadhar, Driver's license, Lease agreement Salaried - Salary slip for 3 months Self employed - Office address proof, latest 3 months bank statement, audited financials for last 2 yrs and latest 6 months balance sheet.

Citi Rewards Credit Card.

Welcome Rewards: Get 1,500 bonus points on your first spend made within 30 days of card issue Get 1,000 bonus points on your first spend of Rs. 1000 made within 60 days of card issue Earn 10X Reward Points for every Rs.125 spent at apparel and department stores and select partners Earn Reward Points at rate of 1 point for every Rs.125 on all other purchases Get 300 bonus points on card spends of Rs.30,000+ in a month Up to 15% savings across participating restaurants. Get instant redemption against movie tickets, travel bookings, mobile services , and more. Get EMI privileges on shopping, consumer electronics, mobile phone outlets, leading retail chains and e-retailers Your reward points will never expire.

Annual fee condition: Zero Annual Fee on spend of Rs.30000 or more in a membership year, else Rs.1000 will be charged as Annual Fee.

Atleast 2 colour photographs ID proof - Aadhar, Passport, Driving license, Voter ID etc Proof of address - Ration card, electricity bill etc. can be submitted.

IndianOil Citi Credit Card.

Get Rs.250 worth of activation benefits*limited offer Save more on fuel at IOC outlets. 4 Turbo Points on Rs.150 spent on fuel at authorized IndianOil outlets (2.67% savings) Complete waiver of 1% fuel surcharge at authorized IndianOil outlets. Get up to 60 litres of free* fuel annually by redeeming your turbo points for fuel at 1200+ authorized IndianOil outlets Turbo Points never expire ! 1 Turbo point – 1 Rs. Up to 15% savings on dining across participating restaurants.

The annual fee on the card is Rs.0 when you spend Rs.30,000 or more on your Card in a membership year. Cardmembers with annual spends of less than Rs.30,000 on their Cards are charged an Annual Fee of Rs.1,000. Click here for Terms and conditions.

Atleast 2 colour photographs ID proof - Aadhar, Passport, Driving license, Voter ID etc Proof of address - Ration card, electricity bill etc. can be submitted.

Axis Bank Miles and More Credit Card.

Axis Bank My Zone Credit Card.

Axis Bank Neo Credit Card.

RBL Bank Fun+ Credit Card.

Axis Bank Privilege Credit Card.

Axis Bank Vistara Credit Card.

Axis Bank Vistara Signature Credit Card.

HSBC Platinum Credit Card.

Kotak Delight Platinum Credit Card.

Kotak PVR Gold Credit Card.

Kotak PVR Platinum Credit Card.

Kotak Royale Signature Credit Card.

Standard Chartered Emirates World Credit Card.

Standard Chartered Manhattan Platinum Credit Card.

Standard Chartered Super Value Titanium Credit Card.

Air India SBI Signature Credit Card.

Welcome gift of 20,000 Rewards Points* Earn 20 Reward Points for every Rs.100 spent on Air India tickets Complimentary Air India Frequent Flyer membership Upto 1,00,000 Bonus Reward Points* on annual spends 1 Reward Point*=1 Air India Air Mile for Free Travel.

Annual fee (one time): Rs. 4999 Renewal Fee (per annum): Rs. 4999.

2 passport size color photos AID Proof(any one) - passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, PAN, Aadhaar card Address Proof (any one)- Passport, driver’s license, voter’s ID, Aadhaar card, Electricity bill, Telephone bill, Postpaid mobile phone bill, Bank account/Post Office savings bank account statement Salaried - Latest 3 Months salary slip (or) Last 3 months' bank statements Self-employed - Last year ITR along with Bank Statement for last 3 months and Form 16.

Citi PremierMiles Credit Card.

Get 10,000 Miles on spending of Rs.1,000 within the first 60 days. Earn 10 Miles on every Rs.100 spent on flight tickets and hotel stays on bookings made at premiermiles. co. in and with select partners Redeem miles for flight tickets across 100+ airlines at premiermiles. co. in and with select partners Enjoy complimentary access at key airport lounges across India Get a complimentary Air Accident Insurance coverage up to Rs.1 crore Up to 15% savings on dining across participating restaurants Annual fee: Rs 3,000 per annum.

Joining Fee – Rs.3,000/- 2nd Year Onwards – Rs.3,000/- First year fee waived for Citi Priority clients.

Atleast 2 colour photographs ID proof - Aadhar, Passport, Driving license, Voter ID etc Proof of address - Ration card, electricity bill etc. can be submitted.

RBL Bank Platinum Maxima Credit Card.

2.5% value back on dining, utilities, fuel, entertainment and international transactions.

Reward points: 10 RP/ Rs. 100 on dining, entertainment, fuel, utilities and international transactions Accelerated Rewards: 2 Reward Points on all other transactions Earn BONUS POINTS: 8000 Reward Points Joining Bonus Free Movie Tickets: Free movie ticket every month Airport lounge access: complimentary lounge acess every quarte.

Joining fees – Rs 2000/- Annual fees – Rs 2000/-

1 Recent coloured Passport Size photograph Filled application form ID Proof - PAN card (mandatory) Address proof – Driving License / Passport / Voter ID / Aadhaar card / Ration card.

RBL Movies And More Credit Card.

2 Free movie tickets every month.

Welcome Benefit: 10% discount on BookMyShow Earn BONUS POINTS: 4 Free movie tickets at BookMyShow Joining bonus Reward points: 20 Reward Points / Rs. 100 on Wednesday dining transactions Accelerated Rewards: 10 Reward Points / Rs. 100 on BookMyShow and select dining outlets Other Reward points: 1 Reward Point / Rs. 100 on all other transactions.

Joining fees – Rs 1000/- Annual fees – Rs 1000/-

Application form with 2 photographs ID proof – Any one (PAN Card, Driver license, Passport, Aadhaar card) Address proof – Any one (Passport, Driver license, Aadhaar card, Utility bills)

RBL Platinum Delight Credit Card.

1000 bonus Reward Points every month on 5 transactions of Rs. 1000 or more.

Reward points: 2X Reward points on all weekend spends Earn BONUS POINTS: 4000 Reward Points Joining bonus Accelerated Rewards: 4 Reward Points / Rs. 100 on all Weekend transactions Other Reward points: 2 Reward Points / Rs. 100 on all other transactions.

Joining fees – Rs 1000/- Annual fees – Rs 1000/-

Application form with 2 photographs ID proof – Any one (PAN Card, Driver license, Passport, Aadhaar card) Address proof – Any one (Passport, Driver license, Aadhaar card, Utility bills)

HDFC All Miles Credit Card.

HDFC Business Money Back Credit Card.

What is a Credit Card?

Credit cards are a staple of financial transactions in developed economies. In many developing economies, like India, credit cards are becoming increasingly popular because of their convenience and ease of use. You can use a credit card to buy anything from jewelry to groceries. Having a credit card means that you do not need to have cash with you at all times to make purchases. It is a more convenient method of payment. In very simple terms, a credit card.

How do credit cards work?

A credit card does not mean that you have more money, it only means that it gives you more time to pay for your purchases. Using a credit card means that you change the way you pay for your purchases. Every time you make a purchase on your credit card, you are in effect borrowing that money from the credit card issuer until you pay it back at the end of a month.

What is a credit card balance and when do I pay interest on my credit card?

If you pay your bill on time and in full on a monthly basis, you do not need to pay any interest on the money spent on your purchases. The credit card company allows you to use their money that month 'for free' if you repay them in time at the end of the monthly billing cycle. However, if you make only a partial payment, the issuer will charge interest on the remaining outstanding amount - or balance - that will be carried over to the next month's bill.

For instance, if you make purchases worth Rs.20,000, and you pay the amount in full when you receive your credit card bill at the end of the month, you will not incur any charges on using the issuer's money on credit. However, if you pay only say, Rs.12,000, the remaining Rs.6,000 will be added to the next month's bill and you will be charged interest on it.

If I make a few delayed payments, will it affect my credit score?

Some people do not pay their bill every month and make a full payment at the end of a few months, thinking it will not affect their credit score. Isso não é verdade. Every delayed or partial payment affects your credit score and makes it difficult to qualify for loans or new credit cards. Suppose you had a medical emergency in the family and had unexpected hospital expenses. Faced with a temporary shortage of funds, you might think it is okay to make late payments for a few months until you can make a full payment again. You might be confident that your previous good track record will excuse a few delayed payments.

This is not a correct assumption. Making a late or partial payment is probably the worst thing you could do for your credit score. Your repayment history forms up to 30% of your credit score and is the single most important factor in making up your score. Credit rating agencies record every late or partial payment in your credit report and any such marking has a substantial negative impact on your score. It is therefore important to make sure that you try and pay off your monthly credit card bills in full and on time to avoid doing any long term damage to your credit health.

What does 'minimum due' mean on a credit card statement?

The minimum payment due is the smallest amount you can pay before your Payment Due Date and still keep to the legal terms of your Card Agreement. It is vital to make at least this minimum payment, or there is a chance that the credit card company can consider it a delinquent account, which has serious consequences for your credit history.

What does Payment Due Date mean?

This is the date that your monthly payment is due. Any delay in payment beyond this date can cause the company to charge a late fee, report a late payment to the credit bureau, or even consider the account as delinquent. It is therefore, very important to ensure that you make your payment before the Payment Due Date. There are several online tools that can send you reminders to make your payments on time.

What are the fees on a credit card?

There can be various kinds of fees on a credit card:

Annual fees: When you are approved for a card, you are charged an annual fee as the cost of owning the card. This fee is automatically added to your bill on an annual basis. Some cards do not have an annual fee.

Late fee: If you do not make your minimum due payment in time, you can be charged a late fee. Make sure that you mail your cheque well before the due date, or pay your bill online.

Other fees: Credit card companies charge a variety of other fees which may include charges for exceeding your credit limit or returned cheques.

What does credit limit mean?

Your credit limit refers to the amount of credit available to you on your credit card. However, to maintain a good credit score, it is advisable to spend no more than 50% of your credit limit. So, for example, if your credit limit is Rs.60,000, make sure that you do not spend more than Rs.30,000 every month. Consistently spending more than 50% of your limit signifies that you are short of credit or that you do not have spending discipline. Always make sure that you stay well within your credit limit so that it does not impact your credit score.

How do I apply for a credit card?

Once you have studied the various offers and selected a credit card that best suits your requirements, you can apply for it in two ways: You can go directly to the bank's website and apply for the card online, or you can ask the bank for details on how to apply for a card and the documentation required. Depending on your credit health and other factors, the application can be processed and approved in just a matter of days.

What is the difference between a credit card and a debit card?

The big difference between credit and debit cards is whose money you are using when making your purchases. When you use a credit card, all your purchases are made on your credit card issuer's money. You are simply 'borrowing' the money until you pay it in full at the end of the billing cycle. If you make late or incomplete payments, the credit card issuer charges you interest on the money you owe.

When you make purchases on a debit card, you are using your own money. Your purchase amount is taken directly from your bank account. The advantage of a debit card is that you avoid debt because you can spend only what is available in your account. There is no possibility of spending on credit and making a payment later.

Do credit cards offer protection against fraud?

Sim, eles fazem. If your card is lost or stolen, you have liability is limited. The credit card companies protect you and take over the liability in case it has been misused. If you report the loss or fraud early, the fraudsters will not have access to your bank account.

Card issuers now provide another layer of security with the addition of a PIN number. If you have a microchip on your credit card, you need to input a PIN number as well for the transaction to be approved. Your PIN number is known only to you. So if your card is stolen, it cannot be used for fraudulent purchases as the payment will not be approved without the PIN number.

How many credit cards should I have?

There is no ideal or average number of credit cards an individual should have. It depends on factors like your income, monthly expenses, how you manage your finances and your ability to plan and make timely repayments on multiple cards. If you are new to credit cards, then it is a good idea to use one for some time and get used to the payment method. Once you are comfortable and are confident that you can take on additional repayments, you can apply for another card.

It is also important to note that having an insufficient credit history (not enough credit cards or loans in your name) can also adversely impact your loan application as potential lenders do not have a long enough history to evaluate your repayment discipline. On the other hand, holding too many credit cards simultaneously signifies that you are credit-hungry and need credit from multiple sources to fund your expenses. Lenders might be unwilling to offer loans to someone who seems have too many repayment obligations.

What are the various kinds of credit cards?

There are several kinds of cards on offer in the market. For instance, there are cards that offer air miles based on the amount you spend on your card. Or you can opt for fuel cards that waive the surcharge on fuel. Some cards offer discounts on shopping or restaurants. Some have added security features. Some offer cash back rewards - meaning that you get back in cash a percentage of the total amount you spend on your card. Some cards combine several of these features. As with any financial services product, you need to research the various cards to see which best suits your priorities and lifestyle.

How do I choose the best card?

The only way to choose the best card is to research the features and benefits of the various cards on offer to judge if it suits your credit needs. Each person has different requirements for their card. You will need to check the interest rate charged on the balance, whether the credit limit suits your spending pattern, whether using the card offers any rewards or benefits ( like air miles or shopping discounts), the security features in case of fraud or theft, and the various fees charged including annual fees, late fees etc. Compare the features of various cards to see which is most suitable for you.

What are some tips for a new credit card user?

If you are new to credit cards, then it is important to ensure that you maintain a healthy credit history and use your card wisely to avoid any damage to your credit profile. Here are some tips for ensure that you remain credit-healthy:

Always pay your bills in full and on time. Every single late, missed or incomplete payment is reported by your credit card provider to the credit bureaus. This will affect your credit score significantly. Do not buy things that you cannot afford, even though you have easy access to credit. Do not spend more than 50% of the credit limit on your card. The less you spend, the better it is for your credit score. Keep your credit card details and your card issuer's phone number with you in a safe place so you can immediately report any theft or misuse of your card. Retain your credit card sales slips so that you can check it against your monthly credit card statement. Any discrepancies or mistakes should be reported immediately, as they can be reversed. Read all the terms and conditions carefully when you first get your credit card so that you are aware of all the interest charges, fees and other terms of agreement on the card.

What is a secured credit card?

A secured credit card works just like a credit card except that you need to make a fixed deposit in order to get a secured card. The bank uses as collateral in case you default on your payment. A secured credit card is typically used by people who cannot qualify for a regular unsecured credit card either because they have bad credit or because they do not have a sufficient credit history. Since a secured card requires collateral in the form of a fixed deposit with the bank, even people with bad or no credit can get a card as the bank is safeguarded against default. It is a simple and quick way to improve your credit score and build your credit history, provided you make all your payments on time.

A credit card is an easy and convenient way to pay for your purchases over time. Any purchase you make on a credit card is on borrowed money that you only have to pay back at the end of the monthly billing cycle. If you use a credit card wisely and responsibly it can be a safe and convenient way of managing your payments.

Avaliações de Clientes.

Overall Rating: 3.7 / 5.0 ( 69 Reviews)

Rajesh Kumar Saha.

Deepak kumar ojha.

"I approached CreditMantri for help with application for a Cashback credit card. After signing up FOR FREE (Yes, it’s really free, yay!). I felt the service rendered by team CreditMantri was awesome. I did not even need to go to the bank for giving my documents, they came to me! Brownie points! I got calls only from CreditMantri and Citi regarding my application. No calls from third-party people. This is one thing I am really happy about. Overall, I am happy with my Citi credit card, and it’s one of the best Cashback credit cards that I have (I own two other credit cards, more about it later perhaps!). Thanks, CreditMantri!"

Khardi tal shahapur near anand nagar.


Afirmativo! I would describe acquiring my Citi Bank credit card process as excellent. My experience with CreditMantri was smooth, to say the least. Any query I raised got resolved quickly, in a timely manner. I am satisfied with my PremierMiles credit card and I am reaping its benefits. Very happy by the timely response, the help extended to me by the customer service team and the mature way of handling customers. Great experience.

Swift Service! My application for a Citi rewards credit card got approved after approaching CreditMantri. It was my first time applying for a credit card. The CreditMantri executive explained the process and also the bank's norms for issue of Credit cards. I was advised in detail which I very much needed as I was still very new to credit cards and finance. I found that the service by CreditMantri to be swift and interactions with customer care executives to be cordial and helpful. Am very happy — all of my questions/doubts were addressed and clarified and I got my first card. Thank you for the services rendered.

Vinay Kumar Jaiswal.

No more wasting time at the bank Going to a bank has always been a tedious process—waiting in line, having many unanswered questions, and always being rushed for time. For a person like me, a website like Creditmantri is a boon because you don't need to waste time going to a bank at all. The application process for a card is quick and simple. Within the promised time, I got my HDFC Diners Club Platinum credit card. Good customer service, I would like to add. They were very patient with my queries and handled everything professionally. This website is useful in the sense that we get the product we are eligible for in a short span of time. All the best, CreditMantri.

Best Service provider I would suggest CreditMantri to anyone wholeheartedly. Their service is great. Their matching process is very simple. You just need to create your profile (it's free!) and all the credit cards that match your profile would be displayed. They provide excellent services online and offline as well. I had some questions regarding my credit card documentation, and every doubt and question was answered. I am happy to say I am the proud owner of a HDFC Club Rewards credit card, thanks to CreditMantri.

CreditMantri - The Website has it all Extremely simple and easy to access info on various finance products. I found Creditmantri through a Google search for HDFC credit cards and was curious to know what kind of service they provide. Decided to sign up and I don’t regret it one bit. For one thing, it is free. Easy to choose the credit card once you have created your profile. I got a confirmation call from their customer service regarding the card I wanted – HDFC Money Back credit card. The documentation process itself is hassle free (a bank representative comes to collect your papers – yes, their claims are true!) and you don't need to go the bank at all. Overall, a great experience with CreditMantri.

Nanagari Nagaraju Goud.

This is a very good bank HDFC.

Easy Process It was very easy to apply for my credit card thanks to CreditMantri and team. I easily got my HDFC Visa Regalia credit card and the customer service person involved resolved all my queries satisfactorily. I found this a huge help considering I have never taken a credit card before. Only bit of feedback I can give is keep involving the customers more. É isso aí! The range of products listed in the website is very helpful to make a comparison. Very happy!

Hi, first of all, I would like to say that I am a big-time believer of doing things myself. But after I found that my application request for a credit card was getting rejected everywhere, I decided to apply through CreditMantri. (Incidentally, my sister recommended it and I was against availing its service at first.) I do not regret signing up with CreditMantri a bit - It turned to be the best financial decision I have ever made. I got to know that the reason why I was being rejected - due to my low credit score and making too many applications. I immediately signed up for their credit improvement services for help with getting a card. A couple of months later, I am proudly flaunting my ICICI Coral credit card! Overall, great service!

Great financial service provider! Their services are great and it takes only a minute to sign up! I wanted a credit card specially for my fuel transactions. I made my profile and within minutes I was matched up with ICICI HPCL credit card. The documentation process is fairly easy. A representative from the bank met me during my office hours and collected my documents and told me to wait for a week. I got the card within that time! The best part is the fuel surcharge is waived off with this credit card! Thanks to the CreditMantri team for making this happen. Heartily recommend it to anyone.

Quick Response to queries! When in doubt, turn to CreditMantri! I am much delighted to use my ICICI Bank credit card, which I got through CreditMantri. I use this credit card to meet all my emergency needs. I am not stretching the truth when I say CreditMantri has the best-in-class services. I can say this confidently as I have applied through various other websites and found their customer service poor and their privacy policies substandard. But with CreditMantri, I must say that their privacy policy is excellent and I have not received any unwanted calls. Try CreditMantri if you want a quick response to your queries and want help with finding, applying and being approved for the right card.

"Happy with CreditMantri Where do I start? I don’t know whether I should talk about their easy website user interface, or about their customer service, or about their professional approach. The response which I received from CreditMantri was very helpful, and it was immediate. Talking about my IndianOil Citi credit card, well, for starters, it becomes your best friend if you own a Bullet ;) and love travelling. This is the best credit card I feel as it gives me fuel benefits. Love my bike and my fuel card. More purchase, more points, the better for me! Happy with CreditMantri. & quot;

Vinay Kumar Jaiswal.

Perminder Singh Sandhu.

Satisfied! I had been looking for a new credit card for quite a while but was confused by all the options. I chanced upon this website during my research, and I decided to sign up with CreditMantri for its services. Everything is done online, they match your profile with the best lender possible for your profile. I think it is a fantastic idea. I am very happy about the user interface, as I find it easy to understand. I received my RBL Bank Platinum Maxima Credit Card as promised! Hats off to CreditMantri as well as RBL. I got the credit card very easily and quickly (within 7 days). Overall, I am very satisfied and would recommend CreditMantri readily to anyone.

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Como parte de nossos esforços para tornar os serviços ao consumidor final acessíveis e disponíveis a preços favoráveis ​​ao cliente, o CreditMantri pode receber comissões / comissões de credores.

CreditMantri & trade; é uma marca registrada da CreditMantri Finserve Private Limited. Todos os direitos reservados. O nome do produto, logotipo, marcas e outras marcas registradas em destaque ou mencionadas no Credit Mantri são de propriedade de seus respectivos detentores de marcas registradas.

O CreditMantri foi criado para ajudar você a cuidar da sua saúde de crédito e ajudá-lo a tomar melhores decisões sobre empréstimos. Oferecemos suporte a clientes com todo tipo de perfil de crédito - aqueles que são novos no crédito e possuem um registro mínimo ou inexistente; aqueles que têm uma história problemática; e aqueles que já desfrutam de um perfil saudável. If you are looking for credit, we will make sure you find it, and ensure that it is the best possible match for you. Como nós ajudamos você? Nós permitimos que você obtenha sua pontuação de crédito instantaneamente, online, em tempo real. Recebemos sua pontuação de crédito on-line e fornecemos uma Análise de saúde de crédito gratuita do seu relatório Equifax. Com base na análise, ajudamos você a descobrir empréstimos e cartões de crédito mais adequados ao seu perfil de crédito. Ajudamos você a entender seu Perfil de Crédito, Relatório de Informações de Crédito (CIR) e saiba onde você está. Nós somos um balcão único para todas as suas necessidades de crédito. Tornamos mais fácil para você navegar e comparar os vários produtos financeiros oferecidos no mercado; acessar nossas ferramentas on-line gratuitas e fáceis de usar; e, finalmente, desfrute de um processo de aplicação livre de estresse com aprovações rápidas. Asseguramos que você tenha uma chance maior de obter a aprovação de um empréstimo ou cartão de crédito que você aplicar, desde que correspondamos os critérios do credor ao seu perfil de crédito. Ajudamos você a evitar a rejeição de empréstimos, determinando cuidadosamente sua elegibilidade e combinando-o com o emprestador / produto certo. Conseguimos isso com uma combinação avançada de ciência e tecnologia de dados que garante que tanto os credores quanto os mutuários tenham uma plataforma comum transparente para tomar suas decisões. Tratamos seus dados com a máxima confidencialidade e nunca os compartilharemos ou venderemos a ninguém. Essa é a nossa garantia do CreditMantri. Nosso atendimento ao cliente dedicado e melhor da sua classe se esforçará para ajudá-lo em todas as etapas da sua jornada de crédito. Nossos 3 milhões de clientes satisfeitos são o nosso melhor testemunho.

O CreditMantri é o site número 1 da Índia para Análise de Crédito e Pontuação de Crédito Livre Online. Deixe-nos ajudá-lo a assumir o controle de suas metas de crédito e a abrir a porta para sua liberdade financeira.

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